Some time away...

18 1 3

Y/N: Pinkie... are you ok?

Garnet: That form you were using to fight Goku and Vegeta, I don't want you to use it anymore...

Y/N: Why?

Y/N: Honey, that form is powerful and it helps us in many of our battles.

Garnet: And it killed you. It's unstable I'm not risking losing you a 3rd time. That saying, 3rd times the charm... what if the third time, you actually die... forever... I'm not risking that.

Y/N: Come on Pinkie. sure its unstable but I can withstand it.

Garnet: And I said Your not allowed to use it anymore!

Y/N: Woah calm down Jamal, I don't remember saying that your my mother now.

Garnet: Y/N, I'm not in the mood right now...

Y/N: Wait... if you  know I used the form... You followed me didn't you?!

Garnet: As a matter of fact, Peridot and I followed you because you seemed suspicious!

Y/N: Luv', You've known me my entire life living here! How am I sus?! I rarely ever leave the temple! This was the only time I left the temple in a while! I usually stay here helping out around the house! I Airbnb'ed my house! Just so I could stay with you! I'm loyal! 


Y/N: ... Fine... I will...

*it starts raining*

Y/N: of course... it starts raining...

*Y/N ran home since he canceled the airbnb on the house*

Garnet: Y/N!! Where are you?! I-I lost them...

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