~ Chapter 1

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"Hello Sir, I'm Dr Park Jimin speaking from Deagu medical hospital, I'm sorry to inform you, your husband has been in a serious accident. Please come to The Daegu medical hospital as soon as possible."

Omega Kim Taehyung receives a heart wrenching call from the hospital. His voice trembles as he asks,"Please, tell me he's going to be okay. I can't lose him."

The doctor sighs feeling sad, hearing omega's trembling voice as he replies, "We're doing our best to save him, but it's a critical situation. Please come soon."

Taehyung's heart sinks as he hangs up the phone, tears streaming down his face. In a state of panic, he rushes to the hospital, hoping for a miracle.

However, upon arrival, he is devastated to find his beloved husband laying almost, lifeless on a hospital bed.

The doctor gently tells Omega, "I'm really sorry Sir, but your husband's accident caused severe brain injuries. Unfortunately, he won't able to make it." Taehyung's world shatters as he struggles to comprehend the devastating news.

Taehyung sits by his husband's bedside, holding his hand tightly. Tears stream down Omega's face as he whispers, "hanie, y-you can't le-leave me. Please please I need you."  His husband weakly opened his eyes as he squeezes Omega's hand, a tear escaping his eye.

"Tae, My l-love ple-please don't cry. I wa-want you to pro-promise me som-something love." He says softly. Taehyung choking on his words says "Anything for you, my love."

Haneul weakly smiles as he says, "Promise me love, that you'll ke-keep living, that you'll fi-find happiness again, Fall in l-love and experience joy again."

Taehyung sobs shaking his head "no no please don't say anything like this, i can't imagine a life without you." Haneul weekly smiles as he say, "shh don't cry it break my heart to see you like this, please promise me, this is my la-last wish, bun"

Taehyung sobs as he nods weekly "I promise, I w-will try." As They share a tender kiss, their hearts breaking. With tears streaming down their face, the omega holds his husband's hand, feeling the warmth slowly fading away.

They whisper words of love and helplessness, expressing their deep appreciation for the beautiful life they built together.

Taehyung's heart breaks with the realization that they will soon have to say goodbye. His husband's eyes, once filled with life and laughter, now gaze lovingly at his omega one last time.

"I lo-love you m-my love, please be ha-happy for me." With a gentle smile, softly utter his final words.

Taehyung's sobs fill the room as he hold his beloved, unable to fathom a world without his presence. As his husband's last breath escapes his lips, silence descends upon the hospital room.

Taehyung clings tightly to his husband's lifeless body, overwhelmed by grief and emptiness. Taehyung's heart shatters into a million pieces.

Taehyung's relationship with his husband was a love story for the ages. His husband loved him with an intensity that knew no bounds, cherishing every moment they shared together.

Their connection was deep, filled with unwavering support, understanding, and affection. His now late husband's love for him was so strong that it could be felt even after his passing, leaving behind beautiful memories that Taehyung will always hold close to his heart.

The loss is undoubtedly heartbreaking, but the love they shared will forever be a testament to the power of true and enduring love.

While Doctor Park who is silently standing in the room, witness young omega's heartbreaking cries, his heart aches as he see the pain etched across Omega's face, and his own tears swell up in empathy.

The doctor approaches the boy, his eyes filled with empathy, and gently says, "I understand how devastating this loss is for you, Mr Kim. Your husband was a good person, and his memory will forever live on in your heart."

"Take all the time you need to grieve, and remember that it's okay to lean on others for support during this difficult time." His gentle words offer a glimmer of solace amidst Omega's immense sorrow.

His presence felt like a comforting embrace for the omega in this time of immense grief.


~ first chapter is hereeeeeee!!!
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