Chapter 22

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Sitting in the car Mirae thought about how she would never believe if someone told her a few hours ago that she was about to be rushed to the hospital to check on Rona and Dr. Ha. Mirae's leg bounced nervously hoping that both of them were fine, she had heard that Rona was fine with just a few scratches but Dr. Ha was in a critical condition.

Entering the hospital Mirae and her mother rushed towards Jenny's mother who had informed them about the two.

"What happened exactly?"

Eun sook asked Jenny's mother.

"I'm not sure exactly what happened I just walked in the room just to see Rona and Dr. Ha passed out on the stairs bleeding and called the hospital. The real shocking thing was seeing Seojin on the ground. I think she's finally gone crazy"

Kang Mari explained to Mirae's mother.

"Have you called Suryeon unnie, does she know as well?"

"Yeah I called her before you and I think she's on her way."

As soon as the sentence ended the Joo twins and Shim Suryeon came running in. Suryeon started asking the same question from Jenny's mother while Mirae headed towards Seokyung wanting to talk to her.

"Are you alright?"

She asked Seokyung looking worried, it took everything not to tell Seokhoon where she was.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry everythings fine"

Seokyung said with a small smile on her face and Mirae knew it meant that everything was right with her mother again. Mirae smiled at the girl glad everything was going back to normal slowly. The two hadn't noticed that all the other people with them had left probably to go talk to the doctors and check on the patients. Before they could follow them Mirae noticed a frantic Eunbyeol running in the hospital. For the first time Mirae felt genuinely sorry for the girl both her mother and father were in critical, the girl didn't even have any friends or relatives she could rely on.

"I need to talk to her"

Seokyung said to Mirae before heading towards the girl. Mirae curiously followed wondering what Seokyung wanted to talk to Eunbyeol about.

"Let go I have to go see my mother"

Eunbyeol tried to get out of the firm grasp Seokyung had on her wrist.

"She's out of surgery and in recovery now. The chandelier fell from the ceiling but she lucked out and survived. Your mother is just incredible. She's putting up an act because the company went under and she's cornered right? She's faking being crazy"

Seokyung said to the girl folding her arms. Mirae softly nudged the girl not wanting Seokyung to go overboard right now.


Eunbyeol quietly asked.

"Even still mistaking Rona for her daughter, that was a bit too much. How could she make a mistake like that? Or did something really happen to her brain?"

Seokyung questioned a smirk forming on her face.

"Shut up! What do you know?"

Eunbyeol pushed Seokyung angrily. Mirae was about to step forward and give her a piece of her mind but the girl had already run away towards her mothers room.

"What do you know though?"

Mirae turned to Seokyung wondering what was going on in her mind.

"There are only two explanations to this whole incident. One Cheon Seojin is faking all this, two something actually happened to her brain"

Seokyung started saying.

"How could something happen to her brain?"

Mirae asked not understanding what Seokyung meant.

"Remember you told me about hose drugs Eunbyeol was taking what if she gave those to her mother"

Seokyung explained.

"Why would she do that?"

Mirae asked her brain trying to find a good reason why a daughter would want to ruin her mother.

"I don't know but that girl is messed up there's nothing she can't do. Plus judging from her reaction its possible I'm right with this one"

Seokyung said before turning to Mirae. Mirae was about to say something back when the two heard Seokhoon calling for them.

"Rona's out if you want to see her"

Seokhoon said more to Mirae knowing Rona was probably the last person Seokyung wanted to meet. Mirae nodded before running towards the direction Seokhoon came from.

"Rona How are you? Does it hurt a lot?"

Mirae ran towards Rona as soon as her mother and Shim Suryeon left.

"It doesn't hurt much I'm worried for Dr. Ha, I hope he gets better"

Rona said wiping away her tears.

"He's a strong person he'll make it through I'm sure"

Mirae said pulling Rona in for a hug.

"Mirae there's something I haven't told you"

Rona said as the two broke the hug.

"What is it?"

"Dr. Ha is my father.'

Rona simply said making Mirae's eyes widen.

"Your father?"

Mirae asked making sure she hadn't heard wrong but one nod from Rona confirmed that she had indeed heard right. Without saying a single word Mirae reached out to hug Rona again assuring her that he'll make it out just fine and there wasn't much to be worried about. Mirae's life was full of surprises maybe that's why she didn't see this as such a big surprise. Maybe deep down she might even have an idea about this. But did it really matter right now. What mattered was her being there for Rona right now and praying Dr. ha does make it out alive.


So guys only 4 more chapters to go and this series will come to an end:(:(

I loved writing this book and I hope you guys liked reading it as well:):)

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