Chapter 15

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"Should we take her to the hospital? She's refusing to eat or drink at all"

Mirae asked Seokhoon as the two walked towards Rona's apartment where their mothers were trying to sort up Oh Yoon Hee's stuff.

"Let's ask our mother's to see if that's what we should do"

Seokhoon replied to Mirae as the two entered the apartment. As soon as Mirae caught sight of her mother and Shim Suryeon she ran closer to them.

"Rona hasn't been eating at all nor is she drinking anything, Seokhoon and I were thinking to take her over to the hospital for an IV"

Mirae said to the two ladies who looked at each other before nodding agreeing it was a good idea. Mirae smiled at the two and left the room with her mother wanting to talk to her before leaving.

"Are you okay eomma?"

Mirae asked her mother looking at her with worried eyes.

"I'm fine. I'll take a little time but I'll be fine. What about you?"

Her mother asked her smiling at Mirae

"I'm also fine, don't worry. Well I should go take Rona to the hospital."

Mirae said before hugging her mother goodbye and leaving the room. Eun Sook looked at her daughter leaving and sighed. Truth was Eun Sook was not fine, she lost yet another person who was very close and dear to her but Eun Sook needed to make sure that Mirae never found out how broken she was because that would break her as well.

"Are you telling me you went to see Eunbyeol?"

Mirae asked Rona as the two were walking out of the hospital together

"I just thought she'd be able to clear my mother's name but I was wrong shes completely denying that my mother saved her and then Ms. Jin came and made things worse."

Rona sighed looking down.

"Ms. Jin? Does Eunbyeol not remember what that woman did to her?

Mirae asked surprised.

"I guess she has"

Rona shrugged as the two silently continued to walk back outside. Mirae carefully thought about the conversation Rona had just told her and something didn't add up. It reminded Mirae of the time Eunbyeol had forgotten about pushing Rona down the stairs. Was it possible that Eunbyeol had taken that drug again?

6 Months Later.....

"Come to eat!"

The three girls heard Jenny's mom call out to them. Jenny and her mother had started living with Rona after some fight Jenny's mother had with her husband at least that is what Mirae heard. All in all the two were staying with Rona for a while which was good as Rona had company now. Mirae also stayed some nights and the three spent all night talking and having fun. In Mirae;'s mind this was the perfect way to cheer Rona up and it had worked marvelously.

"I'm here"

Mirae said sitting down at the table.

"So whats the schedule for the day?"

Jennys mother asked the girls.

"Classes finish at six, then I have a lesson"

Jenny said before her mother turned to Rona waiting for her answer.

"I'm applying for an audition"

Rona said hurriedly eating.

"Again? What's the point to apply? You never reach the audition stage. They don't care for you because you're a killer's daughter. Ms. Cheon and the media are doing all they can to tear you down. How will you ever pass and audition?

Jennys mother said.

"Still I should keep trying"

Rona said to which Mirae nodded agreeing with the girl.

"Its so infuriating. Why don't you quit singing? You're smart. It might be quicker for you to get into med school"

Jenny said.

"Why should she quit? You should learn something from her. You need this kind of tenacity to become something eventually. Eat up Rona"

Jenny's mother said. Mirae continued eating as the mother daughter continued to talk.

"You got this Rona"

Mirae smiled at Rona before waving and parting ways. Mirae still had classes that she took, school wasn't over for her yet.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mirae asked Seokhoon who was laying down with his head on her lap while she played with his hair. Seokhoon just sighed. He had a lot on his mind and he wanted to talk it out but before he could his phone started ringing. Reluctantly he got up no wanting to leave the comfortable position he was in and picked up the call. Mirae looked at Seokhoon wondering who called.

"Why? What is it?"

Seokhoon said in an annoyed tone.

"Just tell me why you called"

Seokhoon said making Mirae more curious about who was on the other end. Seeing Mirae was curious Seokhoon mouthed the word 'Seokyung' so she would know. This surprised Mirae as the girl hadn't contacted Seokhoon since she had the huge fight with her mother.

"You're going abroad? You're telling me now? Did you get eomma's permission?"

Miraes eyes widened at Seokhoons words, a billion questions racing through her mind.

"What is wrong with you? You're deciding something that important without talking to eomma? You should've talked to me first. Are we even a family? Can you do this is eomma?"

Seokhoon said angrily standing up.

"Do you believe that? You're stupid eomma's always waiting for your call"

Seokhoon continued pacing around the room.

"Forget it. Why do you need us when you'll do whatever you want? Don't call me whether you live or die. I can pretend I don't have a sister"

Seokhoon said before ending the call.

"She's going to Italy, she wanted us to go see her at the airport."

Seohoon explained to Mirae who looked very confused after hearing one end of the conversation.

"Why would she make such a huge decision by herself?"

Seokhoon said sitting back next to Mirae with his head in his hands. Mirae reached over to give Seokhoon a hug knowing he would need it right now and she was right.

"Never leave me ok? Promise you'll never leave me. I don't know what I'll do without you"

Seokhoon said nuzzling his head in her shoulder.

"Let's stay together by each other's side forever"

Mirae said patting his back. Seokhoon nodded not wanting to let go worried Mirae would leave him as well.

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