Chapter 5

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"Bae Rona, are you okay?"

Mirae asked the girl who looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"I'm fine, just ran into Mr Joo Dan Tae"

Rona said taking deep breaths.

"What! What was he doing near your apartment? What does he want?"

Mirae thought aloud wondering how the two ran into each other.

"Don't worry I used the pepper spray you gave me and ran away"

Rona assured Mirae that she was fine.

"I should get you a Taser as well, pepper spray isn't enough"

Mirae said more to herself than Rona while Rona just shook her head smiling a little, happy that Mirae really cared about her.

"Where's Seokhoon? Are we not going to school together today?"

Rona asked looking around for the boy who was always next to Mirae.

"He'll come alone today, he had something to do. Let's go then"

Mirae said to Rona before the two headed towards Mirae's car towards their school. Upon reaching school the two girls were shocked to see all the decorations and banners with Jenny's face on it. Curiously the two girls went forward trying to see what was going on just to find out that Jenny's father had provided some snacks for the school as the CSAT were coming near.

"Woww this looks delicious"

Mirae said looking at the snacks that were provided.

"What do you not find delicious?"

Rona said to her friend who lightly shoved her.

"Anyways have you made any plan about giving the CSAT? It'll be fun if the two us go to the same university together."

Mirae said to Rona as the two stood next to a table munching on the snacks.

"I've decided I'm going to give the CSAT and then apply for SNU"

Rona announced to Mirae who started squealing with excitement, both the girls not noticing another girl eye balling them with jealousy. Joo Seokyung hated Mirae not paying her attention and talking to Bae Rona who was her competition. But what Seokyung hated more was that this was her fault. If she hadn't said anything to Mirae in the morning then Mirae would have come to school with her and then Bae Rona would have been sitting alone instead of Seokyung. Seeing Mirae laughing and giggling with Rona didn't make her want to apologize and make up with Mirae rather it made her want to destroy Bae Rona even more. In her opinion that girl had taken everyone away from her. First because of Rona her father went to prison, then her mother continuously looked after her as if Rona was her own daughter, Mirae was also friends with Rona and cared for which made Rona important to Seokhoon as well because Mirae often asked Seokhoon to look out for Rona. Thus the desire to destroy that girl was overflowing in Seokyung. And the only way she could do that was with the help of her father.

"What's up with you?"

Mirae asked Minhyuk after gathering a lot of courage to approach the boy whom she had been very close before.

"Why are you suddenly talking to me?"

Minhyuk asked looking at Mirae suspiciously.

"I just missed hanging out with you but okay if you don't want to talk to me I'll leave"

Mirae shrugged and said and was about to leave when she felt Minhyuk grab her arm and pull her back.

"Ok fine fine you can talk to me"

"Do you want something from me?"

Mirae asked the boy as he just silently looked at her as if asking for something.

"Advice maybe?"

"Oooo you think I'm wise enough to give you advice?"

"No you're the only person talking to me right now"

"Oh well what do you want to ask?"

"I feel guilty for what I did to Jenny all those days, how do you think I should ask her for forgiveness?"

Minhyuk asked looking at Mirae expectantly.

"You did awful things to her, if would take a very big gesture to forgive something like that, hmmm how about you write her a song and sing it in front of everyone?"

"Are you serious?"

Minhyuk looked at Mirae as if she was joking.

"I mean do you think I'm joking?"

Mirae looked at Minhyuk innocently.

"Was that how Seokhoon confessed to you?"

"You want to confess to Jenny?"

Mirae loudly asked making Minhyuk shush her.

"Well maybe..."

"You like her...oh well maybe then you should start by giving her some gifts that she'll like and show her that you've changed"

Mirae gave real advice now knowing Minhyuk was serious about this whole thing.

"Hmm that's a good idea..."

Minhyuk said more to himself than Mirae as he walked away lost in his thoughts. Mirae looked at him glad she had made up with one of her old friends, now only Jenny was left. She wanted to give Seokyung some time before approaching her, as she knew the girl needed to calm down a little. Little did she know second by second the girl was getting more and ruthless.

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