Chapter 10

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"I honestly don't think she's the same Seokyung anymore"

Seokhoon said to his girlfriend as the two walked towards their classroom.

"I think she needs some time to heal, but instead of healing she's acting out"

Mirae said to Seokhoon before sitting down on her seat next to Seokhoon. Instead of replying, Seokhoon simply sat down on his seat and started looking out of the window lost deep in his own thoughts. Mirae knew seeing Seokyung like this hurt Seokhoon a lot even if he wasn't showing it. He had always cared for her and loved more than anyone in the entire world. Seeing her slowly grow apart from him hurt him more than Mirae could imagine.

After class, Mirae decided to go freshen up and re touch her makeup when she ran into Ha Eunbyeol in the rest room.

"Oh Ha Eunbyeol I've been meaning to talk to you about something"

Mirae said stopping Eunbyeol from leaving.

"We have nothing to talk about"

Eunbyeol said and was about to leave but stopped after hearing Mirae's next words.

"Was Seokyung around you during the admission test?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"I think it was Seokyung who got you and Rona disqualified, I want to know how she did it"

"Why are you suddenly against Seokyung?"

"I'm not against her I'm just trying to find something out"

"Well, nobody was with me other than Ms. Jin"

"Ms. Jin?"

Mirae said more to herself than Eunbyeol when suddenly the person being mentioned entered the restroom.

"Eunbyeol ah there you are, I had started to get worried. Let's go back come on"

Ms. Jin said taking Eunbyeol away with her leaving Mirae standing with a confused look on her face.

"Are you alright you seem a little confused?"

Rona asked Mirae entering the restroom herself.

"Rona I think I just found something out"

"What do you mean?"

"I think Eunbyeol needs our help"

"Why would you say that, Mirae could you explain this properly?"

Rona said looking at Mirae as if she had grown two heads. Mirae told Rona about her conversation with Eunbyeol.

"And why does she need our help?"

"Rona don't you think it's weird that Eunbyeol's mother is out yet Eunbyeol isn't with her. Plus I think Eunbyeol asked me to help her while Ms. Jin was taking her away"

Mirae said to Rona whose eyes widened.

"I think we should help her"

Mirae concluded looking at Rona who looked concerned as well.

"How will we do that?"

Rona asked Mirae but didn't receive a reply as Mirae had already left the rest room and was running towards the classroom.

"Seokhoon ah I need your help"

Mirae said to her boyfriend who looked at her wondering if she was alright but still nodded knowing he's help her with whatever she wanted him to do. And that is how the plan to help Eunbyeol came to being.

"Ha Eunbyeol, We need to talk to you"

Mirae and Rona ran towards the girl stopping Ms. Jin and her in their tracks

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