Chapter 9

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"I know she deserves this but I feel sorry for her"

Mirae said to Seokhoon as the two sat down on his bed.

"This is the most fairest punishment she could get. I think we've been spoiling her too much. She should learn that she can't just get away with anything"

Seokhoon said twirling Mirae's hair between his fingers. He did that when he was upset or stressed about something.

"Seokhoon, Mirae go get Rona and meet me at your school"

Shim Suryeon suddenly came in the room and said to the two.

"Why what's going on eomma?"

Seokhoon asked standing up, Mirae followed suit.

"I've decided the School Violence Committee should decide Seokyung's punishment for bullying the kids in your school. Don't worry about Seokyung I'll bring her"

Suryeon said to her son before leaving the room.

"It'll be okay don't worry"

Seokhoon said ruffling Mirae's hair when he noticed her nervously biting her lip. Mirae nodded trying to muster up a smile.

Mirae, Seokhoon and Rona were sitting together when Seokyung came in with her mother looking clearly confused.

"Eomma what are you doing?"

She asked her mother once she sat on the chair in the middle of the room. Mirae glanced around at all the faces in the room. They all looked smug. All of them were waiting to rat Seokyung out. Mirae glared at them, knowing they'd all claim Seokyung was the one who made them bully everyone. So why were they the ones who bullied Seokyung when her father went to prison? Did Seokyung make them bully her then as well?

When Shim Suryeon asked everyone who had been bullied by Seokyung everyone raised there hands, except Seokhoon, Mirae and for some reason Eunbyeol. Mirae sighed; she knew this meant something worse was about to happen to Seokyung.

"What do you think you're doing? You were all bullies like me. And now you're putting all the blame on me."

Seokyung shouted at the students.

"You threatened us to bully other kids"

One girl said which made everyone agree with her. Mirae looked down noticing Seokyung looking at her silently asking for some support. Mirae's leg started bouncing as she continued to look down not wanting to make eye contact with Seokyung. Seokhoon noticed it and softly placed his hand on her leg wanting her to calm down and to assure her everything will be okay.

"Tell us the truth. You framed us at the performance test, didn't you?"

Rona said standing up.

"Do you have proof? Can you prove that I did that?"

Seokyung asked Rona.

"I heard you say it. You asked Dad to get Rona disqualified"

Seokhoon stood up and said.


Just through her voice Mirae could feel the betrayal Seokyung was feeling. It's the right thing to do Mirae kept on chanting in her head.

"You shook me up before the test on purpose"

Jenny also stood up.

"Blame that on your sensitivity"

Seokyung smirked.

"Joo Seokyung! Apologize. If you apologize you may not face a worse punishment. This is your last chance."

Shim Suryeon said to her daughter. Mirae looked at Seokyung expectantly silently praying she apologizes.

"Okay I'll sincerely apologize. I'm so sorry guys, I shouldn't have influenced pushovers like you. You guys do whatever you're told to. I think you should start thinking for yourselves now. And you, Jenny, I'm so sorry for telling you your dad a murderer"

Seokyung said glancing around the room then looking at Jenny. Mirae sighed upon hearing her words. Maybe Seokyung had turned into a lost cause.

"Joo Seokyung"

Her mother shouted her name and even Jenny's mother stood up in anger.

"I didn't expect you to get so shocked. I just thought you should know. I don't understand why I should be criticized."

Seokyung said the smirk still on her face.

"Yes. You're right. My dad has been convicted of murder. But he paid for what he did the past 6 years. I don't know why you of all people should criticize me. You're no different from me after all. Wait a second. You're even worse because you tried to use it against me."

Jenny said standing up and leaving Seokyung speechless. After everyone was told to wait while they made a decision, Mirae stood up and grabbed Seokyungs arm dragging her to a corner where no one would hear the two.

"Seokyung ah why are you doing this? Why didn't you just apologize and make things easier for yourself?"

Mirae asked the girl who scoffed.

"Kim Mirae are you on their side as well? Oh of course you'd be. You'll blindly follow my brother and do whatever he's doing."

"Joo Seokyung it's not like that. I'm actually trying to help you but you won't let me"

"Well then don't, I don't need your help right now"

Seokyung said before going back to sit on her chair leaving a frustrated Mirae behind.

"I shall announce the school' violence committee's ruling on Joo Seokyung. Joo Seokyung you are...expelled"

Shim Suryeon's words sent gasps across the room. Everyone was surprised by the announcement.

"What did you say? I'm expelled? That means I can't go to university."

Seokyung started saying but was interrupted by her mother who apologized to all victims.

"How can a mother do this? I'm done with you for good"

Seokyung said before leaving the room. Mirae just looked at her knowing going after her right now would be an awful idea. Seokhoon looked at Mirae and the two headed towards Shin Suryeon along with Eun Sook.

"You did the right thing"

Seokhoon said to his mother rubbing her back. His mother smiled at him before turning to her best friend as the two shared a smile as well.

After leaving the meeting Seokhoon and Mirae decided to walk together for some time to clear their thoughts.

"What are you thinking?"

Seokhoon asked Mirae as the two walked on the sidewalk with Mirae swinging their arms with every step they took.

"I'm wondering what happened to Seokyung? When did she really start to change?"

Mirae thought aloud.

"She never changed Mirae, she was always like this. We changed, we started noticing that her behavior isn't right because we matured enough to realize that"

Seokhoon said which got Mirae thinking again. Was he right? Was Seokyung always like this? Thinking back Mirae could remember multiple times Seokyung had annoyed her with her superior attitude. Maybe Seokhoon was right.

"Seokhoon, one day I'm sure she'll realize she was wrong, I think now she can only learn this the hard way. But when she will I'll be there for her helping her alongside all the time"

Mirae smiled at Seokhoon who smiled back pulling her closer to him as the two continued to walk towards the bus stop.


Something is really wrong with my wattpad, now it isn't letting me put pictures ugghhhh

Anyway a double update because I missed a few days :):)

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