Change Your Fate - 3

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Author Pov

"Finally, I'm here. Puff I want to find a place to hide my belongings first. Then I can go to the Theerapanyakul family" Pete smirked. He called a taxi, but he hadn't decided where to stay yet.

Pete: "Hello sir I'm new here and I want a cheap place to stay. Can you help me find a place?"

Driver: "Oh my son, I know the place. I will drop you." The driver looked like a good person so Pete asked him for a ride till mobile shop first to buy a mobile and sim card. Then he went with the driver. The driver showed many places but Pete didn't like them because he wanted to put his things near any abandoned building.

Finally, after 3 hours Pete saw a abandoned building and it looked like a rural area so he asked the driver to stop the taxi and asked him to help to find a place to stay.

Driver: "You look like a rich boy but why did you choose this type of place son...? Do you have any money issue or family issue?"

Pete: "No uncle, I go a job which can provide me a place to stay but I don't want to take my all things there. I need a place to put my things and need to hangout and sleep if I had any break time from work... So, I don't need any luxury hotels or rooms. Uncle I just need a place that's enough" Pete explained with cute smile.

Driver: "Come, my son I know where I should take you" the taxi driver said and took Pete into some small alley. There are some small buildings and the people looked like they were suffering from poverty.

Driver: "I talked to the owner and you can take that room. There is one hall, kitchen and bathroom. Are you ok with that?"

Pete: "More than ok uncle, thank you for helping me." Pete said and gave the man a fair amount of money. He then went to his room.

"First I need a shower" Pete placed his belongings in the room and went to take a shower. After shower he unpacked his things. He took his cellular phone and called his friend Sam.

Sam: "Where are you?"

Pete: "You know I won't tell you... Why are you wasting your time by asking huh?" he teased his friend.

Sam: "Your sister only pressured me to ask you"

Pete: "Ha! Tell her that I'm safe and take good care of them. I found a place to stay and I'm doing good."

Sam: "Jack is worried about you. This is the first time you don't want us to track you and follow you"

Pete: "Aren't you worried about me?"

Jack: "Pete, you won't believe me. Sam started his calculation about which mafia group you will choose to work. So, he can track you... He is the one worried about you more than anyone here" Jack teased and Pete giggled. He was very happy that he had a family to worry about him.

Pete: "Ohh! My sweet brother-in-law worried about me. Nice to hear you know huh!" the three of them smiled and they talked about their plan.

Sam: "Pete I have to warn you there are two families you have to avoid when working - one is Theerapanyakul. They are divided into two like - major and minor family. You must not enter that family under any circumstances." Pete rolled his eyes and asked "WHY?"

Sam: "Because they are not humans, they are like monsters. If you want to enquire about them or you want to know about them you can join Hisho group. You can easily mingle with them."

Jack: "What are you doing if you warn him like this, he will directly go to Theerapanyakul family" Jack warned in a deep voice because he knows his friend well.

Pete: "Don't worry, if I can get their details from outside then why I need to go their place and most importantly I planned to join where I can get all the mafia family secrets. Do you have any suggestion, Sam?" Pete wants to distract them.

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