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When Alan returned to the room, there were no people in the living room. That was weird. Genevieve had previously announced that some of the guests would come from far away and therefore she wouldn't let them go back home anytime soon. Following the only audible sounds in the mansion, Alan reached the kitchen, where Genevieve and Casper were discussing something. From what they were saying, the boy deduced that the guests had recently left, contrary to the host's previous words.

"And you didn't even call me to say goodbye," he drawled as he entered the room. Despite the words, his voice didn't convey that he was disappointed.

"Don't pretend, I know you'd rather not come here at all," Casper growled. "Actually, you shouldn't even. When I think about all the stupid things you might have said to Dagmara, I want to kick you out of here. "

Genevieve looked at Alan. Until now, she must have thought that she had done the right thing by sending her granddaughter with the boy to the room, because that way both of them couldn't hear what she thought was too confidential.

"You wouldn't do anything I forbade you to do, would you?" she was afraid that in retaliation for not allowing him to stay until the end of the meeting, he might have taken revenge. "You wouldn't do something too hastily, am I right?"

"What if you're not?" he asked innocently. He allowed himself to make himself comfortable in the chair and as silence fell for a moment he treated himself to a cake that was on the table.

"Alan, this is no joke," muttered Genevieve. Her face became almost purple. "If I find out that Dagmara knows something, or even if she suspects something, and I will find out for sure, our agreement is over. You're the only person who would be able to plant doubt in her heart in a tactless way."

"Unfortunately, I don't agree with what you're accusing me of," Alan interjected mischievously. "I think it was very tactful."

"Your opinion doesn't count in this house yet, because you have to earn your opinion here," Genevieve's voice became razor-sharp in a split second. "One mistake and you'll never set foot here again."

"My leg will do without the kitchen, the important thing is that it can stand in the living room, for example, the next time there is a meeting," he sneered, cheekily curving the corners of his lips upwards. He stood up from his seat, clearly feeling that if he says what he wants to say, he will have to leave any moment. "You seem to be a bit forgetful. You can't tell me which pawn I am, how to move, or which fields to avoid in the game, because I figured it all out myself a long time ago. I presented it to you at the very beginning and you accepted it, and you--" he turned to Casper, "agreed to help. So I'm asking now what's the problem?" he finished by emphasizing the last words.

"I'll tell you," replied Casper. He approached the boy. "Your plan included Arleta, and as far as she's concerned, we'll continue to help. As for Dagmara, today you acted as a nanny. Auntie didn't want her to be alone in the room, and you had to leave anyway. Do you understand? It was a one time thing and it won't happen again."

"Thank heavens, because how many times can you babysit a teenager?"

Genevieve drew air into her mouth, and Casper clenched his fists.

"It's none of your business. Dagmara is being taken care of by her family!" the boy thundered, threatening him with his finger.

"No," Alan said sharply. "The family will take care of her when they tell her the truth," he added, then walked slowly out of the kitchen. He was even about to leave the residence, where bored Nikolai was waiting for him by the car, but he stopped in the hallway.

Of course, Nikolai informed him that Dagmara didn't go to PE, but Alan saw no reason why he should feel obliged to publicize this news. He preferred to keep it to himself and wait to see how Genevieve would handle the situation.

"You do realize you've just excluded yourself from a tiny group of privileged people?" he asked loudly so that the household members in the kitchen could hear him.

Casper muttered a curse, and Alan stepped outside with a triumphant smile on his face.

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