Additional Part 9: Two bold lines

Start from the beginning

"Ofcourse I do! Because maybe I seriously am!- what if something is wrong?-" "-nothing is wrong-"

"-then what are you hiding-" "Hiding?! I'm not hiding anything!-"

"Then why was the door locked?- why don't you just tell me-" "Rafe! Calm down ok? You just need to breathe."

He stops, sensing she'd reached a limit, taking deep breaths in, then out, like all the arguing was taking a toll. Her veins are thrumming now... with irritation at this point.

How was he detecting her lie so well! She needs to come up with something to cover up what she couldn't tell him for now. Make another excuse- because she can't have him push her to the edge like this! She can't be forced to tell him what she's determined to keep to herself until she'd felt ready... she needs to feel prepared. So she'll need to think of something quick...

Her gaze flits up to find his eyes already scanning her, swaying over her intently, analyzing her as though he was trying to pull apart slowly what was going on.

She didn't think he would be this persistent- but hell, this is Rafe? When has he ever tire from anything?! He's always had this insane drive! She didn't realize he would care this much, to be this concerned.

Her expression softens, and her shoulders slump a little, knowing he wasn't willing to just give in. He was trying to help, she reminds herself.

"It's all the nerves ok?-" she finally says, wearily. She'd already been exhausted from all that her body had already been doing.

"T-the what-" he stutters confused. "What nerves? I don't get it- I don't understand." His eyes narrow, wondering what she was on about.

"You wouldn't understand-"

"Ki- I want to." he pleads.

She sighs, tiredly. Her expression wavers, doubting what she would say would work... because she's done this before with him, and it seems to end the same way... her gaze a little worn- she's unsure if it was worth the time offering him this partial truthful excuse as to why her gut had felt miserable. Technically she wouldn't be lying, because she knew it wasn't only what the positive result indicated that was making her gut feel so uneased... there was more.

"Try me, Ki." he presses. His lips tightened into a thin line, showing his seriousness. "Please."

She rolls her eyes.

"Two days ago... when JJ was over..." she watches him, eyes slanting into a peeved off look, folding her arms over herself " guys were relentless at each other?..." she grumbles. "... you can't just do that and not expect me to feel it. You can't even go a day without having a go at each other. Don't you realize how much that affects me- I'm in the freakin center, and I can't take a side! I can't catch a break... and internally my guts are churning, constantly gnawing away at itself- stressed. The pogues hate me, but I'm trying to make it up to them, but it's impossible when you want to rip their heads off. They are everything to me- Rafe, don't you get that-"

"Everything? Really Ki?" He raises his brows at her with disbelief. He ducks his gaze away and back, annoyed. "Thanks- what am I to you then?"

"Your really going to do that?! Ask me that?" She questions, incredulously. "You can't be serious, Rafe- why do you think I'm with you?"

"But it's just-"

"You can't be that insecure-" she rasps at him.

"I'm not-" he replies gruffly, latching his hands to his sides, annoyed.

"You know I love you, idiot... I'm in fucking love with you, so don't even try to pull that crap on me..." she scoffs, irritated, pulling a face. "You don't get to do that, Rafe." she says, eyeing him. "You don't need to treat them like they are a threat, a competition, because that is not what they are... but there is something you will need to understand- my love for my friends will never change. If your stuck with me- you're stuck knowing how much they mean to me also... and yet I can't even be close to them because they don't trust me anymore- do you know what that feels like-"

"Ok. Ok." he groans, interrupting her before she spirals on endlessly and uncontrollably, stressing herself out more. He got her point. She got her point across clearly. He pinches the bridge of his nose, agitated... thinking.

"What do you want me to do, Ki? can we fix this-" he gestures to her lower half... "To make you feel better- well again."

She gazes back at him surprised. Her jaw nearly dropped just a little, eyes completely stunned. He was willing to go along with what she wanted... compromise maybe, and to be a little more understanding... about the pogues...

She shrugs her shoulders slowly, then puts on a new veneer. She pouts her lips, like the answer should be simple.

"For a start... Sarah, Cleo and I... are meeting up tomorrow night... and I want you to be happy- ok?"

He snorts, a smile curling at his lips. His striking blue eyes held a glint of humor.

"Y-yeah- I'm happy, ok?" he reassures her, a cocky smile spreading over his face. Ki groans.

"What I'm not doing is asking you for permission, Rafe-" she bites out, annoyed. "What I am saying though- is- I don't want no nonsense- don't want y-you stressing- or nothing... giving me stress over anything. If the others turn up, they turn up! I don't want you turning up out of the blue because you think the boys are going to be trouble- that's included JJ- I don't care what you think, or say, alright?"

"Fine." he spits out, slightly annoyed at the mention of JJ. "But only if I never... see him in our house again."

"Ok." she agrees, studying him fiercely. Rafe heaves out a half satisfied smile.

"Ok- simple. That was too easy. Now... let me go-" he points his way out. "-make you tea or something, you need to eat something too, Ki-" she stops him at the door, pulling at his arm for him to come to her. She loops her arms around his torso and pulls him into a hug, surprising him. She leans her cheek to his chest, feeling his chest rise and fall as he breaths, under his flimsy shirt. His chest felt so warm, she'd almost felt drowsy resting into him... it could had been partly to do with all that had been happening in her body. Rafe brings his arms up, and wraps them tenderly around her, slowly, enveloping her with his warmth as they tighten around her. ... and her body just limpy relaxes into him. He plants a kiss to her forehead. "Everything will be ok, ok Ki? I'll make sure of it."

He feels her smile spread against his shirt, and then she lifts her head up to look at him. She takes his face with her hands and pulls him down, letting her mouth cover his, and then she kisses him tenderly.

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