Chapter 39 - Bike

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Smut Warning!⚠️
Aria's POV:
"Bye Owen, bye Annie, bye Emmet and Leo, and Hailey. I love you all so much" I say and hug each of them, except Hailey of course.

"Bye sister. I love you, please come back soon. You know you're always welcome in our home, you and Christian" my brother says and hugs me again.

I hated leaving, it was the number one step to not getting attached though, so I forced myself onto that plane of Christian's and sat there quietly unless he talked to me.
"Aria what is wrong" he asks me "I'm just thinking about them" I say "we can come every three weeks if that's okay with you" Christian says. Don't make fall for you again.

"Yes, please. I'd really like that" I say and smile. I sit on the same side and look out and down, there were no clouds so I could see the cities that we passed over. It's was so beautiful.
"Let's go for a ride?" Christian asks me "where'd you leave the car keys?" I ask and get off of his bed. "Not the car, we're going on the bike, c'mon let's go" he says and leaves the room, I follow behind him as we walk to the garage.

The thought of me being on a bike is scary to me, I've never been on one and I just hope Christian isn't trying to kill me.
"Aria hold onto me and you won't fall" Christian says when he stops at the red light.

I was so scared I actually thought I might scream into his ear. I buried my head into his spine which I could tell made him uncomfortable but he didn't say anything. He just held my hands as he drove but I pushed his hands back to the handles, not wanting to fall off and die.

"Christian I'm scared" I say and hold him tightly "I know, you're brain is touching my spine, and my stomach is compressed" he says and chuckles. I kind of chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be this scary" I say and let him go while the red light is still on. "It's okay, don't apologize. The more I take you on the bike, the more you'll get comfortable, hold on" he says and wraps my arms around him then starts going again.

I bury my head again, trying not to think about it. The chill air felt good against my skin, the speed and the feeling of me being outside in a moving vehicle, didn't.
"See, you are perfectly fine. Let me see my helmet" he says as he helps me off of the bike "because I held on" I say and take the helmet off. He takes it and puts it back where it belongs.

"You were going to be okay regardless, I wouldn't have let anything happen to you" he says and reaches for my hand.

"How kind of you" I say sarcastically "it was, I even let you use my only helmet. If something did happen, I would've been the most fucked" he says and looks down at me. "Thank you" I say and kiss his shoulder. He takes my chin and picks it up. He kisses me and we don't stop, we don't stop until we hear the sound of the garage opening.

I quietly gasp and the sudden loud sound and Christian stands next to me, in front a little. It's Pedro.

"Well, what are you two doing?" His dad asks "we just got back from a ride" Christian says and rubs the top of my thumb. It the one way he knows that will calm me down.

"Oh, y'all fit?" His dad asks and chuckles.

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Yes what the fuck?" Christian says angrily. I step forward "why wouldn't we fit?" I ask, pissed, and tilt my head. Pedro looks at me up and down, then tries to hide a grin.

"Christian's a pretty big boy" he responds and puts his keys in his pocket.

"Are you sure he's the reason on why you're asking? Or is it because of my weight? By all means, get after it and call me whatever the hell you'd like, I don't really care, so, if that's how you're trying to get to me I would make sure you know how you look before you talk about me. We don't look so different you and I. You're just a man with no balls and I'm a female" I say angrily and stand there, staring at him. He glares at me decides not to say anything else.

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