Chapter 36 ~ Oregon

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"Get up" I say and push on her warm body. She groans and shakes her head.

"Aria get the fuck up. We are going shopping" I say and lift the cover off of the bed. She sighs and lifts her head then drops it back down. Last night we had slept in the same bed but on opposite sides. Meaning, her feet were closer to my head as mine were to her head. We were also pretty far apart.

"Why!" She whines. "One, you fucking don't have clothes, two, you smell" I lie "I do not" she says "sure" I say and shrug. "What am I going to wear. I don't have clothes" she says "I know, you can wear some of my sweats, I'll give you a t-shirt, just get in there" I say. She takes the clothes I had given her off and let's me just watch.

It was the first time I had seen her completely naked and not just feel her. She was still as and even more beautiful than she was back then. She had a tattoo on her side. I'm not sure what it was, I just know it was there. It made me think about the many tattoos I had.

I sometimes hated that she was so open to everything now, that she wasn't as shy as she once was. That they had hurt her so much to the point she wasn't innocent anymore. She'd done and seen things I never wished she had and that made me hurt for her.

Other times, I liked that she didn't care as much as she once did. I liked that she would act and not say. That she would fight back and not let someone just take advantage of her. I liked the fact that she was now able to tell me what she wanted and how she wanted it. I didn't like that they took her innocence from her. I've always been an ass and gentle, as she says. I'd just have to find a balance between the both now.
"I look like you" she says "you do" I say and smile. "I look ugly" she adds "you think I look ugly?" I say and act hurt "when you wear this" she says "I'm so sad" I say and bring my hand to my chest. "It's okay don't cry" she says "I think I might" I respond "awe" she says sarcastically. "So, so sad" I say and grab my wallet. She chuckles. "Shut up" she says and smiles "you shut up" I say and walk out of the room, she follows behind me. "Yes sir" she says quietly.

I continue to walk down the stairs as the thoughts of us that night keep going over my mind.
"I want this!" She says and holds out a sage green dress. A pretty fucking dress. "Get it" I say "you're so nice" she says and smiles then looks for her size. "You need to get clothes for Oregon" I say. Her head spins towards me "what" she says excitedly "you need to get clothes because we are going to Oregon, tomorrow actually" I say and look at my phone.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" She screams happily "Aria shh, but yes" I say and cover her mouth since people were now looking at us. "I'm sorry! But oh my god!" She says happily and hugs me. She kisses me quickly and it surprises me.

"Shit I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" she says and pulls away. "Go shop Aria, don't worry" I say and stand there. She tries to say something but stops herself and walks away.

Don't be sorry, just do it again.
"I'm hungry, let's go eat?" She asks and smiles "what do you want to eat" I ask "a burger, I want a big burger" she says and holds her bags with a smile "let's go" I say, the difference in her now asking me to do all of these things instead of me asking is weird, a good weird.
"Can I have curly fries instead of the regulars?" Aria asks.

The lady sighs and rolls her eyes "it's okay if you don't have 'em" she says, noticing the lady's behavior "I do" she says "then what's the problem?" Aria asks confused and with more of an attitude. Oh?

"Nothing. Okay so two simple burgers one with bacon and one curly fries and one regular, and two Sprites?" The lady asks "mhm" Aria says and pulls her wallet out. I take it from her hands and put it in my pocket.

"Stop!" She says and reaches for my pocket. I hit her hands away and pay for our food. "You stop" I say and take the receipt then we go find a table to sit at.

"Can I have it now?" She asks. I pull it from my pocket and hand it to her. "You can" I say and sit down.

She sits across from me and we start talking.
"This is good" she says and looks around at the restaurant with a mouthful of food. You're so pretty.

"Right" I respond and take a bite "are we really leaving for Oregon tomorrow" she asks "yes. Hurry up so we can go pack" I say " okay, okay, okay" she says with a smile. Don't stop smiling please.
We had left the restaurant and were now about to be home.

"I missed you also you know?" She says and looks at me. I look at her. "When" I say and grip the steering wheel "every day" she says "why didn't you come back then" I ask "I couldn't. For the first year I could've but I didn't. It had already been to long and I though you had moved on. The next two years you know about so, yeah" she says and plays with her fingers. "I wish you had come back" I say quietly "I do also" she says and leans her head on the window.

"We can make it up" I say and grab her hand and hold it under mine as I hold the gearshift. "I hope so" she replies and I pull into the driveway.
"How long are we going for?" She asks me "I'm going for three days you can stay however long you'd like. I have to come back, I have business to take care of" I say and pack my duffel bag. "Business?" She asks "mhm" I say and go back to my closet "like what?" She asks me "business" I say and grab a pair of black and blue jeans, sweats, shorts and briefs.

"That bad huh" she says and chuckles "I'm not killing people, unless they fuck around. My business handles drugs" I say. She doesn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Drugs? Like the shit you're addicted to?" She asks angrily "was" I say "no Christian. No. I know how addiction works. My parents were addicts. They said they had stopped and sometimes even showed me that, but I would come home from school the next day excitedly and find them both passed out of the couch. High as fuck, unresponsive. I thought they had died Christian." She says and starts raising her voice at me.

"Aria don't yell at me. Business is business, what I do on my free time, is nothing to what work is. I don't handle the drugs unless I have to, I have people that work for me so I don't give into that shit" I say sternly and glare at her. "I'm not going to fucking Oregon, I'm not going anywhere with you" she says and slams my door as she leaves. Who the hell do you think you are?

I walk to my door and open it. She was on her way downstairs so I hurry down and pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN CHRISTIAN!" She screamed and kicked. I ignore her and continue walking back to my room.

I make it and open the door, I lock it and throw her on the bed. "You, are, going" I say and stand over her. She was laying down supporting herself up a little with her elbows.

"I am not going anywhere" she says angrily and sits up "I will drag you to the fucking plane Aria, I don't care. You are going" I say and tilt my head "maybe you have stopped being gentle" she says and glares back at me. I look at her lips and back at her eyes.

"You have also" I say and bend down to meet her eye to eye. We stare at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Fuck, you, Christian" she says and stands up to leave. I push her back onto the bed and straddle her lower body. I push her shoulders down so she isn't able to move.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!" She screams and moves her body to try to get out. "I might be psycho, you know why though. You are the reason and you know that. Now, you are going to go pack yourself a suitcase for tomorrow and however many days you are going to stay there and you are going to go to fucking sleep. In the morning, I will wake you up so you can get ready to go" I say darkly and grab her face.

"I don't want, to go" she says and jerks her head away from my grip "I don't care, I do, and since you are mine, you're coming with me because I did pay for you" I say and get off of her. "What else, boss" she asks and sits up. I could tell she was pissed. "Nothing, go" I say and watch her as she leaves.

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