Beginning of the End

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The waiting wing was filled with an aura of pure dread.

Hung was busy trying to keep Aak calm as the boy cried while Waai Fu was staring off into space.
"It's my fault!", the feline boy sobbed. "I wasn't being careful and he fell trying to save me! I'm sorry!"
Hung stroked his hair and made a soft hushing noise. "It's not your fault. It's okay. He's going to be okay. He has to be..."

Waai Fu was unable to muster anything. The shock of it all was weighing heavily on her mind. All that could be heard over Aak's tear-filled crying and Hung's soft words was the faint sound of medical equipment and the muffled voice of the Doctor.
The clock ticked monotonously.
Then the door opened to the Doctor themself holding a clipboard filled with scrawls. "Tests are done. You three can come in. But..." Their words trailed off, but there wasn't much that needed to be said. Everyone already knew.

The first thing the trio was greeted with was Lee calmly sitting in a hospital bed, jacket off and arm wrapped in bandages with an expression that almost convinced you that he didn't just get stabbed with a shard of Originium. But nearby was the Doctor's computer, with an in-depth overview of Lee's internal status.
It wasn't pretty.

The Originuim levels in his system weren't high but it wasn't low either. In any case, it was obvious; he was infected. And yet, the old carp merely sat there as the Doctor explained everything, quietly taking it all in.
The only ones actually reacting were the employees.

"How long?" Aak was unusually quiet.
"It's hard to say", the Doctor responded as they looked over their notes. "The stab wound wasn't that deep so it's only a little. I think as long as he doesn't use his Arts too much and stays away from raw Originium, he'll live a good while. But otherwise.... Well, it may be better to leave it at that. I can tell you lot are upset enough."


"...I'll... Let you four have some privacy..."

The second the Doctor was gone, Lee was bombarded with questions.
"Are you okay?" "Will you be alright?" "What can we do to help?" "Are you hurting right now?" "Do you want anything?" "Was it my fault??"

Lee just leaned back with a sigh as he let the corners of his mouth raise. "Relax, you three. I'm fine. Mostly. Doc said I just need some treatments and to tone down the Arts and it won't get worse. I prefer not fighting anyway." No one seemed to buy it though, so he decided to climb out of bed. "See? I can stand perfectly fine."
"You're dying", Waai Fu said bluntly. "Not immediately", was his only retort. "Tell you what? How about some food? You kids like noodles?"

Aak was silent.
It was nice to hear the sounds of the city again. Even the faint sirens felt homey now. The noodle bowls were piping hot as Lee knew everyone liked them. But the atmosphere was all wrong. Normally, he'd be with them, eating happily and having small talk. But that was not present.

Wasn't hungry, said Waai Fu.
I have to report to the Doctor, said Hung.
Aak was still unable to find words, but he too didn't have any appetite in him.
So Lee went to the noodle shop alone.

Somehow, the noodles tasted a tad bitter because of that.

Lee sighed but ultimately wasn't able to do much. Forcing them to come would make it worse. So being by himself was best for all of them. He absentmindedly rubbed his shoulder. It felt numb, and a bit itchy. The Doc gave him a week tops before the lesions started appearing. But realistically, he'd be lucky to go three days lesion free. Lee was just grateful it was him and not any of his employees. They may have been devastated, but if any of them had gotten this...

Well, Lee would have probably lost all will to live right then and there.

The last drop of broth was swallowed and paid for. Normally, the wind in Lungmen was cool yet inviting. Now it was just frigid. Even with his heavy coat, Lee felt cold. Despite this, he held his resolve tightly in his heart. He could get through this. He's survived worse. He's felt worse. This would eventually just be a minor inconvenience to him. He was still normal.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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