Just Another Day

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The smell of freshly made tea always managed to calm Lee's nerves. It really was the simple things in life that made him feel good, whether it be the faint patter of rain on the windows or the scent of a home cooked meal.

The LDA was quiet. The three occupants that usually provided the noise were absent, having gone to lend their skills to Rhodes Island. A bit risky, but those youngsters were a lot sturdier than they looked. As for him, he was just a lazy old man. He couldn't be there to help them...


...well, not all the time, at least.
Lee swiftly answered the phone. "Lee's Detective Agency. How can I help you?"
"'Sup, Uncle Lee!"
Lee smiled a bit bigger as he recognized Aak's voice.
"Well, here's a pleasant surprise. You staying out of trouble, kiddo?"
He heard Aak scoff over the phone.
"Uh, obviously. I ain't done a thing."
"Yet", came Waai Fu's teasing voice, followed by Aak telling her to shut up and Hung laughing in the background. Even Lee himself had to stifle a chuckle. "Right, no more beating around the bush", he said after finally calming himself. "Were you just saying hi? Or is there another reason you're calling?"
"Oh yeah", Aak realized. "So the Doc's got us on this mission to this building. Apparently it was some kind of research facility that did stuff with originium. It's defunct and falling apart, but there's still a lot of good tech and stuff in there that can help Rhodes Island."
Lee raised a brow. "And you're telling me this because?"
"'Cause some of the guys that were supposed to come with us are either still injured from previous missions or doing something else, and the Doctor is in one of those moods where they get really particular about things and won't let us go until we get a fourth groupie."

Well that certainly made things interesting...
"You want me to go with, dontcha?"
"Yeah. We know you're not always super lazy, Uncle. And we haven't really done too many missions together with just the four of us."
"Four. So Waai Fu and Hung are going too.." Lee seemed to think it over, but the truth was he had already made up his decision."
"Pleeeeeaaaaase?", Aak begged. "I really wanna check this place out! A-and get the tech, too! Don't give me that look, Hung! You're curious too!"
Lee chuckled. "Alright, alright, you kids talked me into it. I was thinking about swinging by anyway. Let the Doc know I'll be on my way to help out. I'll be there soon."
"R-really? Sweet! See ya!" The excitement in Aak's voice was evident.

With the call over, Lee finished the last of his tea and stood up with a stretch. I guess it wouldn't hurt to do one simple mission, he thought. I mean, me and those kids aren't reckless, so we should all be good.
Lights were flicked off, blades were picked up, and locks were locked. With the LDA now secure and closed down, Lee trotted down the streets of Lungmen towards Rhodes Island.

Truly, it was just another day.

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