Coitus Interruptus (G!P Chaeyoung)

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•Accidental exhibitionism, voyeurism, oral sex, smut, comedy

~G!P Chaeyoung~

Coitus Interruptus

"Space, the final frontier..." the TV blared loudly as Chaeyoung sat in the armchair and waited for her girlfriend to return with the popcorn. They were readying themselves for a Star Trek: The Next Generation marathon that would last that Friday night and through the weekend.

Chaeyoung and Mina had been dating well over six months now and despite Chaeyoung's... uniqueness things had been going well. Actually better than well. The brunette hadn't even bat an eye when Chaeyoung told her that she had been born with an extra appendage. Stating that she loved Chaeyoung no matter what parts she had or didn't have.

It was refreshing for Chaeyoung, who had had a rough time in high school because of it. Her ex, Somi, had dumped her when Chaeyoung had told her, stating that it was unnatural and if she wanted to be with a guy she would have been. Then Somi had told her friends and eventually the whole school had found out. She had been teased and bullied relentlessly but she never complained, never felt ashamed of herself. She just held her head up high and finished the last two years of high school with a 4.0 GPA and a proud smile.

A year later she had met Mina in an Astronomy class at NYU, both of them had been taking it mostly for fun. They hit it off right away and ended up partnering for every assignment and project they had due. After flirting for five months Chaeyoung had finally asked her out.

And now here they were, six months later and practically living together.

"Why are you sitting on the armchair?" A low raspy voice said in her ear as two arms wrapped around her neck and a head full of brunette hair rested over her right shoulder. "Don't you want to cuddle on the couch?" Mina nipped at the blonde's ear.

"Maybe I'd rather have you sit on my lap." Chaeyoung replied suggestively. "Shouldn't you be making popcorn?"

"I am but I heard the TV going and had to come see if you were really watching the show without me. Which is rude, you know." Mina moved around the old armchair Chaeyoung was sitting on, dragging her left hand across the other woman's shoulder as she went.

"I am terribly sorry, my lady. If you were maybe faster..." Chaeyoung replied as Mina stood in front of her, looking down at the blonde with her deep eyes and a smirk on her lips.

The brunette leaned down and rested her lips on the shell of her girlfriend's ear, "I can show you faster, if you like."

Chaeyoung's breath hitched as Mina licked her ear and straddled her, slowly grinding down on her lap. Chaeyoung knew she could feel the hard bulge of her member pressing up against the gray sweats she was wearing. The blonde gripped the brunette's hips as the girl continued to grind on her. The brunette moaned in her ear and Chaeyoung felt the heat swirling in her stomach move lower, making her swell even more. Chaeyoung moaned as she felt the brunette's wetness seep through the fabric of her sweats and slipped her hand under the long night shirt that her girlfriend was wearing. She groaned low in her throat when her hand came into contact with Mina's wet center.

"Are you trying to kill me Mina?" Chaeyoung said as she ran her fingers through her girlfriend's wetness.

"No, Chaeyoung-ah," Mina threw her head back with a moan as Chaeyoung moved her fingers to her clit, rubbing small circles around the small organ. "Oh god, don't stop."

Chaeyoung took advantage of Mina's exposed throat, nipping, licking and sucking at her pulse point while she continued to rub the woman's clit.

"Oh, fuc- Chaeyoung," Mina moaned as she moved her hips, trying to get more friction.

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