Part 18

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After Jihyo left I decided to catch up on my writing. I never thought that I could write music and actually enjoy it but I was wrong, it helped so much with my mental health as well, putting what I'm feeling into something that could be beautiful to someone else and that person could know that someone out there is feeling the exact same thing as them. Music is beautiful in that way, helps us hear what we need to hear in that moment.

I had already written a good amount of things since I started I have about ten songs already written but I don't let Jihyo see any of it because it's personal and I do trust her but this is something for me and only me, maybe sometime I can share that with her but for now I'm okay with keeping it all to myself unless if she asks for help with something and vice versa.

Eventually I got hungry and knew I had to take my medicine or Jihyo would kill me. I got out of bed slowly holding my side groaning at the pain and made my way to the kitchen opening the fridge seeing the bento box with a note 'Enjoy your food my love' I smiled at the message as it was the little things that she did that made me happy. She didn't have to buy me this for me to eat, I could have made something for myself and be happy with it. She sees the little things that I sometimes don't and honestly forget. I heated up my food while waiting I got some water taking a sip setting it on the table. Once the food was ready I sat down to eat enjoying what she picked out for me as I enjoyed my food I was going through my phone to pass the time.

My Moonlight 🌕❤️
Have you eaten yet? Please eat if you haven't 🥺

Baby Daddy🥰
Eating right now babe, thank you so much for the food it's yummy 😋

My Moonlight 🌕❤️
Ofc baby don't forget to take you medicine and rest up. Please don't leave the bed unless you have to

I smiled at her messages she was treating me like a child but I loved it. I kept looking through my phone as I finished up my phone and came across something from Dispatch; Twice's Jihyo rumored to be dating Seventeen's Wonwoo

I stopped eating my food reading the article over and over again to make sure my eyes were reading what I was seeing. This had to be fake right? I mean she would tell me right? She wouldn't lie to me about this... We are good.. we are in a good place... I left my food on the table as my appetite went away and made my way to the room getting my medicine taking it and laying in bed. My mind was trying to think of how this could have happened but my mind was also telling me it's not true but what if it was? My mind was racing so fast that I fell asleep without realizing it.

Jihyo POV
I was sitting on the floor of the dance room waiting for the girls to get here, they were late and I had just finished texting Y/n. "JIHYO! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!??!" I jumped a little from the yelling, Momo had a look or anger and fury. She made her way to me and showed me her phone. "How could you do this Y/n!" I looked at the phone and back at Momo as the rest of the girls came in with looks of disappointment. "Look it's not what it looks like it's just a rumor and it's not true at all" I said standing up looking at Momo trying to calm her down. "Well why would they be saying this if it's not at least half true? I thought you cared about her I thought you wanted to get married to her, have her babies, I thought she was your one?" Momo turned away from me putting her phone away.

"She is and I want all those things with her I'm telling the truth" I ram my fingers through my hair not really knowing what to do in this moment. "Why then? For PR? Are you doing this just to get more attention?" Nayeon asked with her arms crossed. "Mr. Park asked me to just make it seem like I was dating him so we can get more eyes on us for our album" I sighed rubbing my face. "Just for attention then" Mina said walking away to get some water. "He said nothing would actually happen and I don't have to go out in public with him just one time to make it seem like we are dating" I tried to look at Momo but I know how she feels about Y/n and I know that if I hurt her Momo will bring hell down on me

"How long has this been a thing?" Tzuyu asked sitting down on the floor looking up at me for answers. "Three months..." I said quietly, "THREE MONTHS?!" They all said in unison
"I know I know! It's bad and I should have told her but I didn't think it was going to turn out like this" I started to tear up because I was getting angry with myself and this situation. "Well you need to talk to her as soon as you can and tell her the truth" Chaeyoung said and I nodded wiping my eyes. "I agree with them and I don't even like Y/n that much but she doesn't deserve this" Jeongyeon said and I smiled mentally knowing she doesn't like Y/n just because she cares about me. "Okay I will talk to her after we get some practice in because I want to get myself ready for the conversation I'm going to have with her so let's just do this first" they all agreed and practice went on

I woke up hearing the door close looking around I noticed I slept for quite some time as the sun was already setting. I checked my phone and saw two missed calls from Jihyo along with ten messages and five calls from Momo. I sighed and moved around the bed getting comfortable again, the pills really did make me sleepy but at least I slept good. I got some water and Jihyo walked into the room putting her bag down. "I was worried about you. You didn't answer my calls or texts I thought something had happened" I ignored her and drank the rest of my water getting out of the bed slowly groaning from the pain. "Let me help you" she said but I backed up from her shaking my head. "I got it I can do it by myself" I sighed leaving the room and to the bathroom

Coming back from the bathroom I saw her sitting on the bed with her hands on her lap playing with her fingers, she was nervous. "I know you probably already know.." she looks away from me and this made me angry. "No I don't but you can tell me what I should know" I already knew what she was talking about but I wanted her to say it. "Well it's about... about me and Wonwoo... I just want you to know that it's not something that you should worry about because it's just attention but I've made it clear I don't want anything to do with him because I love you and want to be with you" she said looking up at me with a face of worry.

"Don't worry about?... it's not the fact that this is happening because I knew getting into a relationship with someone with such a high status that this would happen. What I'm worried about is if I can even trust you anymore" she stood up and tried to walk to me but I put my hand up and stepped back. "Before you tell me I can trust you let me tell you why I can't because instead of telling me about this first and asking if I was okay with this. You went behind my back and hid this from me! I'm assuming the girls already knew too just making me look stupid for trusting you" I sighed as she stepped back at the sound of my voice rising. "No they didn't know.." she said

"Oh that's just perfect isn't it? You lied to me and to your best friends? Basically your sisters. I wouldn't have been so mad if you just told me but lying to me and acting like we are in a perfect place is what hurt me Jihyo" I moved to put on some clothes and get my backpack putting clothes in it. "What are you doing?" She asked as I kept packing my things. "What does it look like? I'm leaving and I'm staying with Momo at least I know she won't lie to me" I said getting my pills putting them in my bag. "No no this wasn't supposed to happen and you are not going to stay with her!" She yelled at me as she was starting to get emotional with tears falling. "Yea well you should have thought about that first" I held onto my side leaving the room as she followed me blocking the door for me to leave. "Jihyo please move.." I said clenching my jaw as I was losing my patience. "No we are going to talk about this. I can't lose you, don't leave me" she said bring her hands to my face holding me to look at her. "I love you please baby..." I looked into her eyes and my heart broke. I didn't want to leave but my biggest fear is not having trust in a relationship especially this one and she is proving that

"If you love me, you would have just talked to me. Saved me the heartache" I moved her hands from my face and moved her to the side gently as she kept crying trying to grab my hand. She kept calling for me but I ignored her feeling my own tears start to fall as I wipe my eyes I left making my way to Momo's place.

I knocked on her door as she opened it and gave me a hug gently. "Can I stay here for awhile?" I asked as she held me nodding softly kissing my cheek. "Stay as long as you want" she said as she pulled away grabbing my hand and leading me inside.

I know this one was short but I wanted to give you all something. Next one will be longer for sure
Thank you so much for 1k reads and getting number one for #jihyotwice
I appreciate you all❤️

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