Part 10

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I stirred in my sleep feeling someone moving the waist band of my boxers as my eyes opened I looked down at the feeing seeing Jihyo move them down a little. I smiled and watched her for a little bit as her hand left my boxers and looked up at me blushing turning away from me.

"Good morning to you too Jihyo, what were you doing? I wouldn't have minded if you kept going" I grabbed her hand pulling her up to me kissing her softly, she pulled away and hit my chest "you just kissed me with stinky breath" I laughed at her and nodded "but you did kiss back so doesn't seem like a big deal" she couldn't hide her smile from me and kissed me again. "There, now I'm going to go wash up and start breakfast. What do you want today?" She asked getting out of bed putting on her slippers stretching. "Um how about some French toast? You make those so good" she smiled and nodded kissing my head leaving the room and to the bathroom.

I laid in her bed just feeling comfortable and happy not even realizing that I fell back asleep. I woke up and got out of bed putting on my clothes from the night before and goes to the bathroom doing my business and brushing my teeth. I finished up and walked into the kitchen seeing Nayeon and Jeongyeon, they were both sitting at the table talking to each other. I smiled and looked over at Jihyo who was still cooking the French toast, I wrapped my arms around her from behind just watching her cook. For some reason I was feeling super clingy today and not in a sexual way I just wanted to be close to her today.

"You can go sit down now darling, I'm finishing up the last ones. Can you pour the coffee for us?" She asked and I nodded kissing her cheek and getting four coffee cups and the coffee pot pouring it out for everyone, "good morning by the way girls. Hope you two slept well" I winked at them and saw Nayeon blush grabbing her coffee. "We slept fine Y/n thanks for asking. I know for sure you and Jihyo slept great" Jeongyeon said smirking at me.

"We did and we didn't do anything because you two were here but if you weren't then I would have definitely slept way better" I laughed and sat down as Jihyo brought the food and grabs the plates handing us all one.

We all started to eat and talk about the album that they are working on, "we still need a lot of songs to work on but we don't have any ideas, I've been working on one called Last Waltz. I've been working late nights on it but I'm hitting a dead end" she winced and I smiled at her, I could tell that everyone was stressed about the album and they wanted it to be perfect. "I can help.." I said as all of them turned around to look at me confused. "You write?" Jeongyeon asked taking a bite of the toast.

"Well kinda... I mean music comes from what you feel and I have a whole notebook filled with those kinds of things. With your help I can probably give you girls a song that you can use" I said finishing up my food and Jihyo looked at me curious, "and where is this notebook? I would love to see it since I've never even heard about it" she sipped on her coffee and I nodded. "Well we never really could talk about it since we are always distracted with each other" I gave her a smirk as she blushed turning away from me.

"I can bring it over tomorrow so you girls can think of something to help me and yourselves. I'm not a writer but I can try and learn from you" they all smiled and nodded. We all finished breakfast and Jihyo wanted to go shopping meaning she was just dragging me along so I could carry her bags. Obviously we couldn't act like a couple in public but just spending some time with her was enough for me even if I hated shopping

We got to the mall and I groaned to myself hating this already but Jihyo dragged me to the nearest store and I smiled following her seeing how excited she is. "Okay so let's look at what you want and get out of here" she turned to me and pouted. "That's not how shopping works. We walk in here and look around to see if anything we find is nice and then we buy it and do that for like 50 more stores" she smiles as she started to look around the store.

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