Part 6

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Getting out of bed, groaning walking to the bathroom rubbing my eyes yawning looking at myself, "well nothing you can do about it now Y/N, maybe give Momo a chance. Maybe she won't leave after sex. Great sex that is" turning around I started the shower letting the water heat up to the right temperature, touching the water all I was thinking about was Jihyo but I to stop the thoughts that came to my head as I stepped into the shower letting the water hit my face relaxing.

"Thank you..." she said breathless. "Don't stop Y/N" her moans filled my head. Her intoxicating sent lingered.

I opened my eyes sighing to myself to stop thinking and start to wash my body getting my back as best I could hissing at the pain I felt. Watching the soap fall off my body I leaned my hand against the shower glass holding myself up tired from the night before.

As my body started to feel a little better I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. My head shot up and turned around seeing Jihyo. "What? How did you get in here?" My voice was a little shaky being scared not knowing how she got into the home. "I took a picture of your code, I'm sorry I left this morning I had to get back before Nayeon notice that I wasn't there" she smiled softly at me and leaned into me pecking my lips, "scoot over sexy, I want to shower as well, also sorry not sorry about your back I couldn't help myself" she blushed and giggled as she start to shower. "It's okay I got something to remember you by" I smiled looking as the water fell off her body.

I started to feel cold as the water wasn't hitting me anymore. "I just need to wash my hair and then I can get out of your way" I smiled small at her as she turned around to me grabbing the shampoo pouring some out into her hand, she made a come here motion with her finger. I nodded and got close to her again, "close your eyes" she said as I did I felt her fingers massage my scalp as she mummed softly. It felt amazing feeling her touch.

"I was thinking Jihyo... if I can take you out on a date. I know we skipped the normal things people do before having sex but I want to try doing those things... if you want, if you don't then I understand and it's okay really" she was rinsing out my hair still mumming listening to my words as she put shampoo again washing once more and rinsing quickly. "I think that would be nice, I'm okay with skipping a few things but yes, you can take me out on a date Y/N" I smiled at her and kissed her softly pulling her closer to me, she wrapped her arms around my neck as I picked her up leaning her against the shower wall.

After showering we both got out, I needed to help a Jihyo as she had wobbly legs, after wrapping a towel around her I carry to my bedroom sitting her down on the bed. "Sorry if I was a little rough in there," chuckling walking to my suit case pulling out boxers and sweatpants with a crop top hoodie and sports bra getting dressed and ready for the day. "Don't worry about it, if anything I was asking for it and don't apologize for something like that. If I tell you to stop I know you would. You're gentle and I like that but rough and I absolutely love that" she smirked at me getting her bag that she brought over and got dressed.

She walked up to me setting her hand on my exposed stomach, "You are really going to go out like this knowing Momo is trying to get in your pants?" She laughed and smacked my stomach softly walking to the door, "You can come over to my place, I can make you some breakfast since you don't have anything here. You can get groceries delivered to the building you know" she smiled as I followed her out the room and out the home. My eyes wondered to her ass but back up getting in the elevator with her going to her floor and to her place that she shared with Nayeon.

"Unnie! I'm back and I brought Y/N she didn't have food at her place so I invited her for breakfast here." Jihyo yelled into the home, I smiled sitting down at the table, "Do you need help with anything? I'm a horrible cook but I can try to help." I said as she shook her head smiling at me getting everything out to make pancakes with eggs and bacon. "I got it but thank you, what you can do is go get my dance shoes from my room. Nayeon must still be in the shower. Last room on the left down the hall way." I nodded and got up walking past her before giving her a kiss on the cheek walking to her room looking around.

The room was clean and well organized. I didn't want to snoop around but I saw a picture on her nightstand seeing an older woman and a child together. I could only assume it was her mother. The child was cute, having a big cheeky smile. Jihyo. I can see it. Smiling I went to the closet getting the shoes walking back bumping into Nayeon, she had a towel around her body. "Y/N! What are you doing here?! Jihyo!" I was embarrassed looking away from her walking quickly past her and into the kitchen. "Good morning to you too Nayeon." I sighed in embarrassment. Jihyo was laughing as she plated the pancakes starting on the eggs and bacon. "Guess she didn't hear me when I walked. Nayeon I'm sorry but I thought you heard me. She's just here for breakfast" Jihyo said looking at her smiling as I had my hands on my face. "It's okay just tell me the night before , you know I walk around naked half the time.

Kill me now, I was so embarrassed but Jihyo laughing did make me feel a little better knowing that she was getting some type of amusement from this. "Here Y/N eat up, I hope you like it" Jihyo set a plate of food in front of me stealing a kiss from me now that Nayeon left the room. "Thank you" I smiled and started to eat moaning at the taste. "I just need to wife you up already, you're a great cook" she smiled and sat down starting to eat. Nayeon soon joined us and ate as well. After eating I helped clean up the kitchen and left with the girls to go to JYP.

I said goodbye to the girls thanking Jihyo for breakfast once again walking to Stay Kids dance room. "Y/N! How was yesterday?" Chris asked me as I walked in, he was the only one in the room. "Wait a minute... you got some didn't you?" I laughed as my cheeks went red. "I have no idea what you're talking about Chris" "No no no I know that face. You got some. Jihyo?!" He whispered yelled at me, "how was it? How did you do it so fast?" Chris was asking so many questions. "Chanie, calm down, yes it was Jihyo and well it's a long story but I am going to take her out on a date." I said and he smiled, "I didn't think you had it in you to approach her like that but I'm happy you did. Jihyo has had it rough and you coming around to distract her and make her smile is great!" Chris said as he looked up at the door hearing a knock.

I turned around and nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen. My mouth went dry as I looked at the girl leaning against the door frame. She looked at me with sweet eyes and a smirk to go along with them.

"Umm I think you should go talk to her she seems like she needs something from you" Chris said turning around walking away taking his phone out.

Walking up to the girl I licked my lips but got nervous and scared.

"What can I do for you Momo?"

"I think you know exactly what you can do for me" she said biting her lip looking me up and down

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