Chapter Eighteen

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"The movies? What's next, a dinner?" I looked at the movie posters, lines up on the walls of the hallway outside the showroom. "Clash."

"You were the one who said that you were in to clash dates. Or, at least 80s romance-type dates." Chase grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

I smiled and opened the door to the show room. We were late to the movie and almost all the seats were filled. Chase and I found two seats in the back corner. I sat on the inside and Chase sat on the outside seat.

Halfway through the movie, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Startled, I turned around to see Dallas's cocky grin. "God damn it, you scared me. What are you doing here?"

"What? I was just at the movies and saw my good old friend, Scarlett."

"My name isn't Scarlett. And I hardly believe you were "just at the movies." I turned around in my chair to face Dallas. "Now tell me, Dallas, just what are you doing here?"

"Shh!" Some girl in front of us turned around and hushed us.

I rolled my eyes, saying, "Get over it. The guy gets the girl." I turned back to Dallas. "Like I was saying, what are you doing here?"

"Like I said, I was just watching," Dallas motioned to the screen. "Whatever this shit is."

I couldn't hold back a laugh. "You know, most people, when they see a movie, they choose one they actually want to watch. Seeing that you don't know the name of the movie, you must be here for some other reason."

Dallas leaned back in his chair. "I don't think now is quiet the best time to talk about this."

I grabbed Chase's hand stood up and grabbed Dallas's, pulling the two out of the show room. We went out a side door, to a less used section of the parking lot. "Okay. Now that we're out of the theater, why did you follow me in the theater?" I dropped Dallas and Chase's hands.

Dallas took a deep breath. "I heard about this plan for you to go to Vegas. After Vegas, you were going to travel to another state. Starting protests and spreading your word. I heard that the only thing stopping you from going... is money..."

I bit the inside of my cheek. "And?"

Dallas laughed and Chase stiffened. "And I work for the HOMELAND SECRUITY. The HOMELAND SECRUITY pays pretty well... I was thinking that..."

"I won't accept money from you."

"Why not?"

"One: how do I know the money isn't stolen? Two: how do I know that you're not going to go back to your partner and tell him all about my plans and get me arrested?"

"You don't."

I laughed. "And that's the problem." I turned around and started to walk off, Chase following me.

"Don't you think we should at least think this over more?" Chase asked me, opening the driver's door. "I mean, he's willing to help us."

"Chase, he might betray us!" I sat in the car, my arms crossed. "I don't want any money from him.

Chase sat down and started the engine. "What if I do?" He looked out the window.

I bit my lip. I can't stop Chase from accepting money from Dallas. "That's a what if."

Chase rolled down the window as the car beside us, facing the opposite direction, rolled down theirs. Revealing Dallas. "I've got the money right here," Dallas held up a check between his two fingers. "All you have to do is accept it."

Chase reached out the window and took the window. "Thanks Dallas."

Dallas smiled, rolled up his window, revved the engine and drove off, leaving me speechless. "That's it, you just took the money?"

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