Chapter Three

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I woke up early Thursday. On my dresser was a note from my mom.

Had to go in to work early. Remember what we talked about last night. Don't feel bad for liking someone you don't Match. It's in your blood. Have a good day at school.

Love You Scarlett, Mom

I smiled. I knew she was talking about Chase. I checked my phone for any messages. Two texts, four missed calls. Both texts came from Stella. One call from Chase, one from Mom, and two from Stella.

Stella's text: eleven PM: Oh, my gosh, are you totally mad at me Scarlett? I'm really sorry. I guess I was a little caught up in the moment with Travis... Please tell me you're not mad...

One AM: Scarlett... I have something to tell you... It's exciting for me... It's okay if you don't respond... I mean, it is 1 AM... Love you girl, you'll always be number 1!

I rolled my eyes. Then texted back: I'm not mad anymore. I talked to my mom about the whole "Marks are unfair" thing and I feel a lot better now. Tell me your news at school.

She responded: I can't tell you at school... Whatever, I'll just say it: I'M NOT A VIGRIN!!!!

I rolled my eyes at reading her text. Then sent: Congratulations. Don't preach it. Love ya, see you at school.

I got dressed in shorts, a white flowy tank-top and neon pink and gray converse. (They're so cool, pink on the laces and inside layer and gray on the outside layer. I love them!) I did my makeup—light—and ate a piece of toast for breakfast.

I grabbed my over-the-shoulder purse and took out my keys. I locked my front door and walked to my Jeep. I drove to school, the morning air blowing in my face.

At school, I sat by Stella at the lunch tables, waiting for the first bell to ring. Travis was sitting with her, acting all lovey-dovey, making me sick.

I only thought about how lucky I was to be Unscripted. To have the thought process to marry who I want, and not who Matches me, like Stella and Travis. I sat, trying to ignore the new couple and waited for Chase to walk through the doors.

"Oh! Scarlett, I forgot to tell you," Stella broke away from Travis.

I looked up, snapping out of my "search for Chase" haze. "What?"

"I took deliberty—since I'm your best friend—of getting your Match found."

My heart sank. "What?!"

"Yeah, I put up posters around the school with your tattoo on it, telling people—if they know anyone who has the same Mark—to call the number attached. Don't worry. I put my number on the poster. But, this way, you'll be sure to find your Match by the time you're eighteen and then we can—"

"I don't want to find my Match. And even if I did, it's not cool for you to go behind my back and do that! You know I don't like people knowing what my tattoo is!"

"You seemed fine showing your tattoo to Chase yesterday."

I scolded her. "I can't believe you." I stood up, gathered my stuff and practically ran into the library. Through the library is our computer lab. I walked in, made sure no one was in there, and tilted a chair under the handle of the door.

I had to know more about the history behind Unscripteds.

I typed "Unscripted" into the search engine.

I clicked on the first link.

Unscripted is a term used to describe people who don't follow who they are Matched to. They end up falling in love with someone who they don't Match, who doesn't have the same tattoo. These people—Unscripted—are dangerous by government standards.

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