Vol. 2.5-1: Tempest tussles with air

Start from the beginning

"That's ridiculous," I complained. At least six times a day, the power flickered. At least three times a week, it went out completely, according to my dad. Which is weird, since this is a relatively new house. I wondered if maybe Bobby or Matthew stuck something in an outlet somewhere. Little kids do dumb things like that. I know I did for "science research". I was mostly being petty, though. I think that's my secret fatal flaw.

After breakfast, I quickly showered and put on some clean clothes. In California, it really doesn't get cold. I mean, it was slightly chilly so I wore pants, but Virginia used to get a lot colder than this, so I really only needed a light jacket. We decided to walk, since our house is really close to all of the restaurants and the park the boys like, and it was a pretty nice day.

"But I don't wanna walk!" Bobby complained.

"It's good for you," Leah said. "If you don't walk, you won't grow into big, strong men."

"Will running make me stronger?" Matthew asked as we approached the park.

"Yes," Dad answered.

"I'M GONNA BE STRONGER THAN YOU, BOBBY!" and Matthew took off.

"NO FAIR! YOU GOT A HEADSTART!" Bobby released Leah's hand and chased after his brother, making Dad and Leah laugh. I stared, almost a little bittersweet. It was nice to see my brother's being normal, happy kids. I never really got that when I was their age. When I was running, it wasn't to be stronger than a sibling. It was to... y'know... not get eaten.

Bobby suddenly fell and started screeching. Matthew laughed at him. Leah sighed and went off to check on them, muttering in irritation as she did so. It left me alone with my dad, who awkwardly cleared his throat.

"So... how is it so far?" He asked me.

"Fine," I answered. "But, it's also only been three days."

"I- I know," Dad said. "Just... checking. Have you- er, heard from any of your friends?"

"I talked to Percy last night," I said. "But, that's about it." I tried to hide how irritated I really was that nobody else had really reached out (one person, actually, just the one). But, it had only been three days.

"Excited for Cajun food?"

I shrugged. "Kind of. I've never really had it before, though." I paused. "Tempest is from New Orleans, though."

"You mentioned!" Dad laughed. "I bet she eats all sorts of weird stuff."

A smile crossed my face. "Last summer, she actually caught a muskrat in the Chesapeake Bay and tried to get all of us to eat it, saying it's good."

Dad gagged and shook his head. "No way."

I shrugged. "Bayou-born are just weird, I suppose."

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"You won't know you like it until you try it," Dad said, "so keep an open mind and try everything!"

"Okay, Daddy!" said Matthew.

"How much farther is it?" I asked.

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