Vol. 2.5-1: Tempest tussles with air

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A knock on the door jolted me awake as I picked my head up from my writing desk, staring at the clock on it. It was early morning, but I didn't even remember falling asleep. I looked down, seeing the Japanese architecture book I'd been reading.

"Annabeth?" Dad called from the other side.

"Come in," I croaked, my voice hoarse. I coughed, reaching for a glass of old water.

The door opened, revealing my dad. "Leah made breakfast, if you're hungry."

I stared at him uncomprehendingly. "Huh?"

He smiled. "Fell asleep at the desk again? I said Leah made breakfast. You might wanna come get some before your brothers eat it all."

I stood up, trying to wipe the tiredness from my eyes but failing miserably. I trailed down the stairs behind my father, breaking out into the living room. The first few days of living here had taught me to always look at the floor for Matthew and Bobby's toys (and sometimes Dad's toys, too).

"Good morning!" Leah sang out, trying to get Matthew to eat blueberries. Bobby was shoveling a basket of them in his mouth, staining his lips and fingers purple.

"Morning," I yawned, serving myself the pancakes Leah had made. I was trying to be nicer to her, and it was easy enough. But, that's because nothing bad had happened yet. No monsters attacked, so we didn't have a reason to fight.

"So... it's Christmas Eve," Dad began. "We were all thinking about going to that park the boys like. Will you be coming?"

I blinked. "Uh, sure. Yeah, just... when?"

"After breakfast," Leah said. "We'll probably grab some lunch when we're- Matthew, please don't throw blueberries at your brother."

"HE HIT ME!" Bobby wailed.

"Bobby, please don't shriek."

"Sorry, Mommy!" Bobby went back to destroying the blueberry container.

"What's everyone in the mood for?" Dad asked.

"Definitely not barbecue," I groaned, thinking about the food poisoning I'd gotten two days ago. Dad cringed, shaking his head rapidly.

"We could try that new Cajun place," Leah suggested.

"I don't like Cajun food!" Matthew protested.

I stared at him. "You don't even know what Cajun is."

He frowned at me. "Well, I don't like it!"

I can't stand children.

The lights flickered again and Dad groaned, putting down his food. "I'll go mess with the stupid breaker box again..."

"Did you call the electric company?" I asked as he began walking to the garage, where the box was located.

"I did," he said. "They won't be able to even take a look until the day after New Year's!"

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