Chapter 1 - Charmy Bee vs Tumble

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Charmy bee had always had to put up with most of the day working at the Chaotix detective agency. Now that his shift is over, Espio will be taking the shift for Charmy.

For the past 2 months, ever since Bakugan had been introduced to Mobius, all the mobians including Charmy bee were having endless amounts of fun with the game. Every day, Charmy will have someone new to play Bakugan with and he would share his experience online on the Bakugan group chat.

Charmy is a Ventus brawler, who is second best to becoming the world champion. However, he was still a good brawler compared to all the other brawlers of Mobius. Currently, the world champion of Bakugan is Espio, the Darkus brawler.

Every day, Vector the alligator, the Subterra brawler, would try to find ways to beat Espio in Bakugan. But the skills of a crocodile were no match for the skills of a ninja. Vector had been in love with the game ever since it had existed. He once had a chance to brawl against Charmy and lost against the kid too.

Charmy was in his bedroom as he looked into his wooden draw. He pulled out a large tin box which rattled as he placed it on his bed. He takes the lid off to find his stash of his green Bakugan trinkets and cards.

"Hello my beautiful." Said Charmy as he started at his collection with delight. Now was the time to pick his three Bakugan for his upcoming battle. His first was Robotallion. "I'll take... you." Next was Manion. "...and you". And his last was his favourite, Ravenoid. "Oh, and who could possibly forget you?"

Whenever a Bakugan battle was about to happen, it was because a notification will pop up on a BakuPod. An invention created by Tails for all the brawlers of Mobius to record, post and share as their social media devices.

Today, Charmy had been invited to a battle by an anonymous brawler at the children's park nearby. The notification on Charmy's BakuPod displayed the location of the park, as well as a text bar underneath. The text bar read "Make it, or else" which sounded like an aggressive brawler. Whoever it was didn't like to wait for long.

"Ha, don't worry. I never turn down a brawl." Said Charmy out loud, confidently.

Charmy ran downstairs and passed Vector and Espio who look like they're working in the office. The office had been filled with wanted posters of Dr Eggman, who had been missing for 2 months. Almost the same day when the Bakugan arrived on Mobius.

Vector and Espio see Charmy leaving for the front door. "I gotta go guys. I've got a brawl to get to." Is all Charmy said before reaching the front door.

"Have fun Charmy!" Vector replied.

"Don't talk to strangers!" Espio replied.

As soon as Charmy disappeared through the open door, the world inside the detective agency becomes different. Vector and Espio had been hiding their field opening cards from Charmy to keep him from knowing that they weren't working on the missing Dr Eggman investigation. Now that Charmy is gone, Vector's and Espio's battle can begin to see if Vector can beat Espio this time in Bakugan.

"OK, he's gone. Now let's do it." Said Vector who sounded excited for battle.

"FIELD, OPEN!" Vector and Espio exclaim.

There was a flash of light for five seconds between the two brawlers. The light grew and engulfed the brawlers in a circular barrier. Then, after five seconds, the light faded. All that's left is a proud Espio and a disappointed Vector.

"HOW DO YOU KEEP WINNING!" Is all Charmy could have sworn he heard Vector yelling from outside.

Normally, Charmy would fly to the park with his bee wings. But today, his wings needed time to rest after all the hard work Charmy had done this morning. So today, the bee decided to go on his little skateboard as he rides down a long steep hill. The ride was smooth and relaxing for the bee.

Charmy Bee's Bakugan AdventureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin