7: All Of This Is Temporary

Start from the beginning

"I feel like we're grossly overlooking the fact that he got in your face and screamed at you." Robin quipped.

"Yeah, that was fucked up too. More so even." Steve scowled at the closed bedroom door like it at any second it would transform into Theo himself. Thankfully Theo wasn't even home, he was at work, and Steve and Robin had the day off.

"At least Kent was there to stand up for you." Robin sighed hopefully, grateful that there was an additional layer of defense for her new friend.

Under no circumstances was Valentina ever going to give her friends Kas's real name. In a panic, she renamed him Kent.

Could you have picked douchier name for me? Jesus.

Kas's sarcastic voice in Valentina's brain no longer came as a shock. She didn't even react. She only responded, Sorry, it was a heat of the moment decision. I wasn't going to sell you out to my friends.

You really need to find better friends.

Valentina sighed, doing her best not to draw attention to herself as Steve went around the room pacing while Robin stayed on the ground and tossed a pair of wadded up socks up in the air that she found under the bed when she laid down. Valentina had grabbed brunch with her friends and now they were holding up in her room.

"Are you going to leave Theo?" Robin asked gently, knowing that even with everything that was going on, Valentina had been with him for a long time. It was an understandably difficult decision. Well. Not to Steve.

"Of course you're leaving him. You can't stick around with someone who thinks they can scream at you like that." Steve said without realizing how condescending he sounded. His words bit with a finality as if his opinion was the only one that mattered.

Valentina and Robin both rolled their eyes at each other

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Valentina and Robin both rolled their eyes at each other. They knew Steve meant well, but he could sometimes rival an overprotective father sending his teenage daughter on her first date with some guy who had a face tattoo when it came to trying to keep them safe.

"It's not that simple." Valentina sighed back. She had a lot to consider.

Admittedly, it was a bad fight. And while she might not have have slept with Kas, she was being dishonest. Theo's suspicions weren't entirely off base. But Valentina knew she was probably just rationalizing everything that happened. So much had happened within the week. Her brain was overflowing and unclear.

Immediately after the fight after Theo dragged her up to their room, nothing happened. Their house phone rang and Theo got distracted and then just sort of left Valentina on her own. To cry, mostly.

Don't Blame Me {a Kas/Eddie Munson story}Where stories live. Discover now