Chapter Thirteen

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"You and Peter are back together?" Jasmine asked me. The weekend when so quick and now we are back to school. Jasmine and I are walking the halls in the morning to get to class together, I hold my books close to my chest while we walk past the crowds in the school. The rumous have finally calm down about me I did not think Emma would not give up to easy for the rumous.

"Yeah we are, but I am not saying the 'L' word until I know for sure this is real" I explain to Jasmine once we got to our locker. I open my locker and put some of my books in my locker that I don't need.

"You know I told him if he hurts you again, I will cut of your own dick and shuff it up he's own ass" Jasmine told me. I looked at her and my eyes wide in shock.

My best friend Jasmine never talked like that. And all of a sudden she has this confident in her that I never new. She was once the shy, sweet girl that summer that I love and now all this year she's been going to parties with Clarke and having sex with him.

"You did not?" I asked shaking myh head. I shut my locker door and lean against it looking at my friend.

"Oh  I did" Jasmine said giving a look. When I look inJasmine green eyes I can see the grin in her eyes with out her even showing it on her face.

"Jasmine are you okay?" I asked with a sigh leaning my head on my locker door.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" Jasmine asked me.

I take a deep breathe. I need to know what's going on? I don't want to be one of those nosey friends that getting your buisness but Clarke needs to know why Jasmine is avoiding him and I don't want to see my boyfriend to be up set over a hot girl like Jasmine.

"Peter told me that Clarke told him that you and him had sex and you have not been talking to him since then. Are you avoiding him Jas?" I asked her with my eyes narrow at my friend.

Jasmine then sigh while slamming her locker door shut. I loked at her seeing as Jasmine has been acting weird this past month and I have no I idea what is going on. Jasmine turned to me and gave me a  worried look in her eyes that tells that she needs help and that she don't know who to go to.

"Um I need avoiding him. I'm, um..." Jasmine said pausing in what she was saying and then take a deep breathe before leaning close to me to whisper in my ear.

"I've missed my period" Jasmine whisper to me. My eyes wide in shock.

If her and Clarke have had sex and Jasmine has now missed her period that means the only thing could happen when you have sex with the person you love.

"You what?!" I asked taking Jasmine hands and coming close to make sure no one can listen and know that a seventeen girl might be pregnant by a sixteen year old by that just moved here.

"I know and I have not taken a test yet but I do come back as postive my parents will kill me" Jasmine told me. I look at her scared and worried face and for the first time I see how Jasmine would acually feel if it was me in the sitation with Peter.

"It's okay. I'll be with you if it comes back postive. I will not leave your side if he does not want it. But you have to tell him he thinks you are avoiding him" I told her bringing her into a hug.

Jasmine need this and I will not let her do this alone, because Jasmine needs all the surport she needs. I don't how Clarke will take it but I know he will not leave Jasmine and if there is a baby; he's too sweet to do that.

"Thank you  Dani, I don't know what to do without you" Jasmine said bring me into a hug. I hug her back while rubbing her back, she need's that. I will always be there for her.

"Damn is it that time of month for little miss perfect here?" Both Jasmine and I pulled apart to see that Lucas is standing  behind us.

Both Jasmine and I gave each other side eyes while I cross my arms over my chest and Jamine rolled her eyes. The typical Lucas Ross has come to try and play with our hearts. Yet where is Peter to save me from this joke boy?

"What do you want Ross? Did Emma break your little heart because she only wants to hook up with you instead of be in love with you?" I asked with sarcasam in my voice. 

"Acually I came here to asked you something Danielle?" Lucas asked looking at me up and down. That look make my skin tense up, I remember that night at the party that he tried to get in my pants even when I was drunk that night I did remember what happened.

"What? Where the closer strip club is?" I said still with the sarcasam in my voice. I just want Peter to come and pick me up and carry me away from this asshole.

"No I came to asked you to the Halloween party? So what do you say princess?" He asked with a smirk. Of course that was far. Too far.

And the only person gets to call me that is Peter and I only let Peter call me that.

"Um no I have a boyfriend and don't call me that" I said getting uncomfortable already and Jamine can see it.

"Oh really who is your boyfriend then?" Lucas asked and I see Peter starting to walk up to us and I see the dark and angry look on he's face. My rube boy has come to save me like I want.

"I am and no one calls her my princess instead of me!" Peter spat out while pulling Lucas back and they stand face to face together.

Peter look in he's eyes have full on anger, dark, protective, and even jealousy in he's eyes and I don't like to see him like that.

"Sorry man, I did not know you and blondie are back together" Lucas said I can tell he is scared.

"Leave" Peter growed at him and at that Lucas ran of like a scared puppy he is.

"Are okay?" Peter asked looking at me, he's eyes then soft.

"I am now" I said kissing him on the next.

After that we then walked to class linking together with Jasmine beside us. And when we past Emma we gave a death stare as she gave me a jealous and sad look. No one can take away my happness.

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