he planned to only take a minute. get his drink, and then rush back up the mountain. it wasn't his fault that he got held back by an annoying carrot top known as "mr. i'm better than anyone."

she frowned. "we do not tolerate tardiness in this class here, brat. you better be on time next time or else you'll be cleaning class E's public toilets for a week." she threatened.

okay, karma actually felt a bit of fear at that threat. he's seen their toilets, and, just to say, it was nasty.that was why most students took risks and sneaked to use the main campus's comfort rooms, and for people who were unlucky, they sometimes did their business in the forest behind bushes or trees.

he hid his nervousness by smirking teasingly and giving an innocent reply. "ah ~ gomen gomen, miss jelabitch!"

"NO NICKNAMES!" she snapped, pointing a finger at him. "and is irina jelavic for you ! J-E-L-A-V-I-C-H!" she spelled it out.

karma ignored her and gravitated towards his seat, which was the only empty seat in the very back row. he plopped down on his chair, put his arms behind his head, and leaned back on it in a relaxed manner.

the blonde woman was grinding her teeth like a caveman before she took long, deep breaths and calmed herself down. 'calm down, irina. you'll get wrinkles and age faster if you let your anger get the best of you; think of your looks; think of your beautiful, gorgeous face!' this mantra seemed to have worked; she calmed down.

"as i was saying....." she picked up her piece of chalk and continued to write some english sentences where she had left off on the black board. "as an assassin in the making, you could be sent on an infiltration mission," she started. "you must be able to charm and distract your target into your inner circles." she wrote her words in english before translating them into japanese. "penetrating the highest security and killing or trapping them when they are alone...."

irina jelavic is a language teacher, specifically an english teacher for class 3-E, as well as a professional hitwoman hired by the government. she teaches her students how to seduce foreigners from other countries in order for them to learn how to speak proper english so that, with this method, they can learn foreign languages and, as a bonus, master seduction to make assassinations much easier, as well as have some fun while they are at it.

when irina first entered class E, their first impression of each other wasn't really flattering. she was shown to be a cruel, calculating, arrogant person with little regard for class E, earning her the nickname they gave her, "bitch-sensei." .....well, karma was the one who started it, and everyone else in class just picked up on it.

because of her high hit count and model-like appearance and often showing off expensive high-end brands and fashionable clothing that emphasizes her flattering form, an example is that one time during a school trip to kyoto, she once again dressed up in a tight outfit to show off her cleavage, which was later berated by the PE teacher for wearing "inappropriate clothing" for a teacher, leaving her depressed in her seat, and students came up with a conclusion, suggesting that perhaps living the high life as an assassin made her out of touch with knowing a normal life. however, because of her arrogant personality and overconfidence, she's also been described as having a "black widow vibe" by her students.

but ever since the "reaper incident" happened, she has since appeared periodically in later arcs. as winter approached, she now wore a cream-colored sweater, a dark-red long skirt, and cream-colored boots as part of her character development, although she still revealed herself to be a little immature from time to time and easily angered when students teased her about her past behavior. eventually, she and the students warmed up to each other and accepted her as part of their class, but they still call her "jelabitch-sensei," more as a teasing term of endearment.

rendezvous | rewritten ( on hold : plan on rewriting )Where stories live. Discover now