Memories And The Call

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The first time you met the Berzatto's, Fak's, and friends, was when you were 5 years old. You'd never been around bigger kids before, so you were really scared and sitting in the corner.

"Hi!" An older boy walked up to you.


"What's your name?"


"Well my name's Michael, but everyone calls me Mikey. Are you ok?"

You nodded.

"Why are you sitting here all alone?"

"My mommy brought me, but. I don't know anyone." You looked down, scared.

"Well you know me now, and I can tell you who everyone else is! See that girl over there?" Mikey pointed to her, "That's my sister, Natalie. Everyone calls her Sugar. And that little baby is my baby brother. Carmy. And those kids over there, who are dressed the same, that's Neil and Theo. And the kid sitting over there, that's my best friend, Richie! And you can be friends with all of us too!" This boy was so confident and so nice. You've never met anyone like him before.

"If you're scared, that's ok. I can sit with you until you aren't scared anymore."

He sat down next to you.

"So do you want to be friends?" He asked.

You nodded your head smiling. Friends. You didn't really have any friends.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you like I protect my little sister and baby brother! Nothing bad will happen to you."


"Yeah! Do you wanna go meet Sugar? She's sitting down now picking flowers. So she won't run into you and knock you down. We can go pick flowers too!"

"O-ok! I like flowers."

"I like flowers too, but don't tell Richie that."


You followed Mikey across the yard to where Sugar was sitting.

"Hey Sugar, this this (Y/N), can she pick flowers with you?"

She looked smaller and closer to your age.

"Yeah! Hi (Y/N), I'm trying to make a flower crown and become a flower princess! Do you want to be a flower princess too?"

You nodded.

"Well, sit down right here, and Mikey can help you pick flowers and he can show you how to make a flower crown cuz he showed me how to!"

Mikey sat next to you,

"Watch closely, (Y/N), you want to pick the long ones like this." He plucked a flower and showed it to you.

"If you pick the long ones then we can make a flower crown!"

You reached down and pulled at a flower but it was too short.


"That's ok, just try again, and try to pick them like this, see? Closer to the dirt."

You tried again and pulled out a really long one.

"Like this? Like this?" You got excited.

"That's perfect! Just like that. Good job!"

You had the biggest smile on your face.

"Mikey are you picking flowers with these babies?" Richie ran over.

"This is (Y/N), I'm teaching her how to make a flower crown like I taught Sugar."

"Yeah, Richie, it's fun!" Sugar said looking up at him.

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