9-Death is Our Only True ending

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After investigating the body everyone was becoming more and more suspicious of each other. Trying to understand why someone would kill these people was not something that you wanted to do today but... what choice did you have. The door were locked and people were quickly getting murdered one after the other. You had talked to Karl about why he was standing over the body when the lights came back on. He told you he had seen the murder but he couldn't see the murderers face.

You could only scoff at the voice that continued to talk in your head. Telling you that you can join "us" and be one with the "true god", you were just tired of hearing it. Ran and Sir Billiam we're constantly disappearing and the other guests were blaming each other with no explanation.

You were still freaked out but you decided that dying was not worth it. You made a plan to break out of a window when the lights went out. All of a sudden the lights we're flickering and and you quickly grabbed the first object you saw, a gold candle stick.

People were yelling, running away and bumping into each other in the process. You know the other hand were already running through the long hallway leading to a large window at the end. Getting to the end of the the hallway you started hearing footsteps quickly approaching you from behind. With not much time you wound back your arm and threw the candle stick at the giant mosaic window.

You reached the end and didn't bother turning around to see who was chasing you, knowing it would just take precious time from your escape. You climbed on top of a table to get out when all of a sudden you felt someone grab your leg and yank you off of the table.

In a state of shock you you grabbed onto a pice of glass and ripped it from the broken window cutting your hand in the process. This person didn't seem to notice you now had a weapon because they tried to suffocate you with your own coat/dress. Your fight or flight instinct kicked in as you raised the glass into the hair and started stabbing at random. Hitting something wasn't easy but it seemed you had done it because the person hissed and pulled away their hands.

Having gotten this chance you kicked the person off you you and quickly got back to your feet looking back to see where you had stabbed the person, only to see a deep long gash running down the persons arm. You winced at the wound but didn't feel bad, not one bit. You also noticed that it was a tall man who had tried to kill you.

You remembered what your goal was and while you had the chance you climbed out of the window, running towards the forest. It would be easier to hide there

The man was furious, he needed to kill you, it was the only option. He saw you heading to the forest and quickly jumped out of the window picking up the candle stick you threw at the window. Picking up the pace he was catching up with you but you had already entered the forest.

Running through the forest was frightening but  if it was keeping you from dying you could deal with it. Looking back you saw the man running towards the forest as well. You ran deeper and deeper for about 10 minutes not stopping to take a breath until you saw a large clearing with a crystal clear pond, a willow tree protecting the pond from the harsh fate of a drought.

You ran to the pond not caring if you got sick from the water, you had almost died 10 minutes ago... you'll live. While you hid behind the willow tree, drinking from the pond you heard heavy breathing coming from behind you. Knowing who it was you hid, to tired to fight anymore. The man teased you saying that  'you couldn't hide forever' and 'I'll kill you when I find you'. You had through you lost him but your heavy breathing along with his was giving away your hiding spot. Within one second of silence you had gotten pulled from behind the tree and came face to face with the man you didn't want to see.

"Well... we'll look what we have here." The man said. "You know I was originally going to beat you to death with your own escape weapon... but, I think your face is to pretty for that." Right as he said that he shoved you into the shallow pond. He grabbed you by your neck and held your head underwater, smiling sadistically as we watched you struggle against his grip.

You were so angry. You didn't understand why it had to be you. You were kind to most and didn't attract too much attention to yourself. Who was murdering you? You felt that it was something you deserved to know.

After a few minutes of struggling you felt consciousness slowly leave your body. Arms slowing down, mouth opening. Eyes. Unblinking.

That was his sign that you were dead. He held your body up over the water. Still on his knees looking at you his eyes filled with...nothing.

To an outsider it would seem like a broken man holding his dead lover in his arms, the moonlight shining upon the them. Having to watch them die. Living the rest of life in sorrow. Having to accept death. A beautiful tapestry made for inflicting emotions upon those who dare to look.

Slowly red vines starting coming out of the pond and took you from the man, bringing you back underwater.

Drowning for the rest of eternity.

After all death is our only true ending.

{ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀsᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇɴ} Sir Billiam/Ranbutler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now