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(I made that and I'm super surprised how good it turned out, I also might add this flower into the story later as a cute scene)
Your POV
It was the day of the masquerade, I had already gotten ready because the carriage would be here soon. I was standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom with Fatima behind me putting on my mask for me when all of a sudden we heard a knock at the door. Fatima looked out the window and then turned to me and
said "Y/N it's time to go, they are here!".
I looked at her and I was about to say thank you when she pushed me out of the house and told me "Go!".

Second POV
You arrived at the side of the carriage and the same man who delivered the letter to you held the door of the carriage open with one hand and held the other one out for you to take.
You accepted the hand and stepped into the carriage swiftly so you wouldn't attract attention to yourself. The man closed the door
behind you and then the carriage started moving. You were silently watching everything around you, admiring the remarkably beautiful flower fields as you passed them. You had never been this far out of town, now you wished you had gone more often. You thought it was going to take a while to arrive but surprisingly you had gotten there, rather quickly.

Your POV
The tall coachman walked to the carriage door and held it open just like he did last time. I took his hand and gently smiled as a thank you. I saw a slight blush spread just beneath his mask which made me giggle slightly. Soon enough we reached the doors, they weren't closed which was understandable since it was a masquerade ball.

The tall man motioned for me to enter so I obliged and followed him inside, only to be met with the eyes of everyone. I stood there in an awkward manner when all of a sudden I heard talking. I looked over and to my surprise, it was Sir Billiam himself, " Ah, Y/N how nice to see you in person!" He said confidently. I saw him excuse himself from the conversation he was having and walk over to me.

When he reached me, he gently took my hand into his own and kissed it. This action made me blush but I made sure to hold it back so no one would notice. He lifted his head and looked at me with a smirk on his face it made me blush even more, resulting in a tiny squeak escaping my mouth. He stood up straight, flashing me a smile once again as he started talking. "Alright, everyone let the true party begin!" and with that, chatter broke out amongst the party guests.

I stood there for a minute admiring my surroundings when all of a sudden I was broken from my trance by Sir Billiam. "So, how was the trip here?" he asked me with a raised brow. My eyes lit up "Oh, It was lovely, we passed so many beautiful flower fields and ponds! It was amazing, I wish we cou-" I quickly cut myself off because I realized I was ranting. I quickly spoke up again, "Sorry! I didn't mean to go on a rant like that.." I said in a quiet voice. Sir Billiam looked at me and chuckled, "Oh no! it's perfectly fine, I like to hear that you enjoyed it" he said with an amused look in his eyes.

We talked for a bit longer about how our day has gone, and he told me what we were about to do. "Excuse me for a moment darling," he said as he turned around and announced what we were doing now. "Alright everyone, let's go take a tour of my humble abode!", I let a relaxed smile fall onto my face until I realized what he said. My face started heating up and I couldn't stop it so, I just played along as we both walked towards the group of people.

To be continued...

{ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀsᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇɴ} Sir Billiam/Ranbutler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now