Our mother Ophelia!

Start from the beginning

"Is she and the babies will be alright?" Aria turned to question.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, Don't worry there's no infection as we examined so far, but still if Ms Ophelia feel any pain again or non-stop leakage you better get back to us as soon as possible. As for now though, she can go home" Everyone nodded, feeling thankful that it's not something fatal.

"What do you think is the cause?" Rosalind asked again, she started to feel worry that their sexy time the other night could be the reason.

"It's still unknown actually in this kind of case, but maybe because Ms Ophelia has twins. You know it such a small room inside and looking to her age and her medical history, Ms Ophelia's body still hasn't develop quite well to the pregnancy" Rosalind and Aria nodded before staring at each other fiercely, accusing each other babies in their mind. "For the time being Ms Ophelia need to refrain from lifting heavy things or going up and down the stairs too much, also use a pad or adult diaper for tonight"

Ophelia suddenly laughed startling everyone. "Adult diaper?! Seriously?! You hear that, Bianca?! Like a freakin' old people!" She cackled. Bianca could only smile watching her friend like that, while the other three trying to hold their laughs seeing her this high.

"Is there any more question?" The doctor asked for the last time

"Yes doc!" Bianca approached the doctor before whispering. "Can you give me the same thing you gave for her?" That shit must have been lit, she thought.

"Bianca...." Portia pulled her girlfriend by the arm.

"I'm just kidding..." Bianca grinned, but she's still curious.


As soon as they went back home, Ophelia moved to the guest room at the first floor, since the doctor had advised that it's better for her not to go up and down the stairs too much. And yes she also already wearing adult diaper by the help of Bianca, who also couldn't stop from laughing when she saw her best friend wearing that at the hospital bathroom.

"I'm so sleepy..." Ophelia yawned already laying on the bed.

"Just sleep then pretty girl..." Portia tucked her blanket. "If you need anything, call me, okay?" She kissed her sister on the forehead softly. "Good night..." She then threw a glare towards Rosalind and Aria who's standing beside them. "YOU TWO! What are you still doing here? Get out! My sister is going to sleep"

"C-Can we just sleep with her for tonight, Portia?" Rosalind asked.

Aria nodded. "Yeah, we promise we're not going to bother her...or do anything weird" She added awkwardly.


"PLEASE!!!" The two pleaded.


Bianca rolled her eyes. "Babe, just let them. It's better for Ophelia not to sleep alone and have them watching her" She tugged on her girlfriend's arm "Come on, let's just go to your room!" It's 2 am already and she's also sleepy.

"Alright! But you two, sleep on the floor and the door stay open!" Portia warned while getting drag by her girlfriend outside the guest room.

After they gone, Ophelia sighed tiredly then stared lazily at the Labrador and Border Collie who also stared at her expectantly. "Come here..." She patted the empty space on both of her sides, soon the two puppies eagerly claimed each spaces. Luckily the bed big enough to fit the three of them comfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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