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Texas fields- 3:47 pm

A grey ute and black car was seen driving down the roads on a hot Texas afternoon, the front ute sat a man with short spiked hair wearing sun glasses and grey t-shirt with jeans, next to him was his daughter, a blond girl with a white gown black leggings and white shoes who sighed as she looked outside her window

"Dad i dont know why we had to move?" Tessa groaned

Cade sighed

"Tess, i told you, this job can really benefit us, we can finally have a home to stay" Cade said to Tessa who only groaned

"The job is you selling junk to people" Tessa said

"No, its a job where i turn junk into useful junk" Cade said

"So selling junk to people with slight improvements?" Tessa asked

"Yeah, practically" Cade said

Tessa sighed and rested her arm on the car window holding her head

"I like California better" Tessa said

"Well I'm glad were gone, that place is a mess" Cade said  

"So we're heading to Texas? Such an improvement" Tessa said annoyed

Cade sighed 

The ute and black car continued to drive until they stopped at a big house on a farm, the trio got out

"Well, what do you think?" Cade asked with a smile on his face holding his hands out gesturing the area around him

"Hate it" Tessa said

"Love it!" Lucas said 

Cades face fell hearing his daughters words

"Come on Tess, you'll love this place, it will just... get some getting use too" Cade said

Tessa groaned as she walked away to the house

Cade sighed

"What will i do with her?" Cade asked himself 

"Uh you could force her to like it?" Lucas said to Cade

Cade looked at Lucas who shrugged

"I don't know, I'm not the one with the teenager" Lucas said

Cade looked at the house again

"What would you think Emily?" Cade mumbled 

Cades thoughts were interrupted by Tessa screaming 

"Dad theres three spiders in my room!" Tessa yelled from upstairs 

"Give me a sec!" Cade yelled back

Cade looked at Lucas who got in his car

"You're leaving already?" Cade asked

"Hey, i have a loft ages from here, and i need to do some unpacking so yeah" Lucas said

"Well, drive safe man" Cade said

"Hey its not like I'm gonna get blown up, calm down Yager" Lucas said

"I am calm" Cade said

"Sure man, and hey just remember I'm not your guy to dump you daughter off to" Lucas said

"Wasn't planning on leaving her with you either ways" Cade said

"Cool" Lucas said as he closed his door and drove off the grass area 

Cade watched him leave

"And he's going the wrong direction" Cade said shaking his head

"Dad!?" Tessa yelled scared

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