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"No Harry I'm tired of this, all I ever get is hate don't you get that. I'm done with this whole promise you have of you protecting me because it's not working. If you check my twitter you will see what I'm talking about!"

Watching Zayn with tears running down his face was just about the worst thing I have seen in my life. He didn't deserve the hate, he has a heart and he's got a soul. I can't believe people would judge him because of his religion.

"Close it"

"Close what Harry, I can't possibly-"

"Look Zayn you want the truth I hate seeing what they do to you too okay, I'm tired of waking up every morning and seeing you look down at the damn phone and cry! I want you to close your twitter, at least for a while okay love. The boys care about you. I care about you and I won't stand to see you cry any longer okay Zayn just close the damn thing I promise you the fans will understand."

I watched as Zayn opened up the blue app on his phone and went to his mentions. He scrolled down a bit and clicked on a user name. He looked me streight in the eyes and said

"Look at it and tell me they don't hate me for who I am"

That was it I grabbed the phone from his hands and I made a run for it, while Zayn chased me I made sure to close down his twitter. After the task was complete I stopped and I handed the device back to my quiff head of a friend.

"30 days, I want you to stop using social media for 30 days and then tell me if they still hate you. And even if the paps hate you or others hate you it dosen't matter because we love you, I love you Zayn you are my best lad and I don't want to see you like this."

Zayn left his phone on the desk and came to me. He looked me in the eyes as if he were going to hurt me but instead he got me in for a hug, a tight hug which was something he really needed.

"Thank you curly"


"Lia time for dinner!"

My father yelled from the first floor. Ever since the {intruding} as he likes to call it things have been tense between my father and I. It all started about a month ago when Zayn Malik deactivated his twitter. Jannet and I we're complete freaking out until my phone feel through a hole in the flooring of my room which to be quiet honest I never attended to. Anyways when I reach for it with my hand I realized that their was in fact some kind of room to where this hole was leading to. Since my father was out we made it our task to look for the room so I can retrieve my phone. We searched room after room until we stumbled into a room that was completely empty except for what seemed to be a closet door. Lets just say the curiosity got the best of me and before I knew it I was opening the doors. what laid behind it was not what I expected, it was a stair case, an old looking one. Before I kept on I made Jannet dial my number because quiet frankly I didn't want to go down there unless it was necessary. Just as I suspected my phone was for a fact down there due to the song "over again" playing through my phone. Taking steps as if we were in a horror film Jannet and I walked down the stairs using her phone as a flash light. Once we got to the bottom of the steps my eyes seemed to be playing tricks on me. Loads and load of machines and wires all over this room that was about half the size of the house itself.

"What are you doing down here, how did you fine this room!?"

My fathers voice roared from a few steps above us.

"I uh- we uh I okay my phone fell through the hole in my room and I went looking for it. I'm positive it's here."

"Jannet dial Lia's phone I'll look for the phone. As for you I want you to go back up to your room and take Jannet with you."

We didn't say anything and did as we were told. That would probably have been the scariest thing that has happened since I moved here with my father and now everything seems strange. It's like he's hiding something.

"Lia! I won't call you again you hear me come down and eat."

"Sorry dad coming!"


Okay okay I am so sorry guys. I know it has been like forever but I'm back. Summer vacation started and I will be updating Reasons along with Over Again. So here's the deal one day I'll update my stories and the next I'll edit simplicity. This will happen between Mondays thru Fridays. So over the weekend I'll be making Mondays chapter extra long and juicy I promise. Again please forgive me for not updating.


Over Again (wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now