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This was it I'm 18 and finally moving out of my house. We'll technically I'm leaving my mother's house because I'm moving to England to live with my father. I haven't seen him in a few years so it might be awkward but who knows I might have a random run in with one of the boys. I'm really exited to leave my little old town behind, it was always boring and small. Everyone knew everyone else and everyone was trusted but I wanted adventure. I wanted to meet new people. while I was packing my mom walked in

"I'm sure ganna miss you Lia."

"Going to miss you too mom."

Didn't tell her anything else after because what else was their to say. I was leaving her alone at our little house because I wanted to live. I may not always get along with my mom but I love her. An hour worth of packing happened when I came across an old drawing I made while I was in 8th grade. It was a future city assignmement, our thoughts on how the world would be in 2025. I ended up winning first place but it was nothing. An hour more of packing and I was ready. I hopped into my car and made my way to the airport. my house was actually a few hours away from the airport so I made the desision of playing my up all night album. Making sure to sing along to every song. I had no idea what I was going to do when I get to my fathers house, probably unpack my things. I was planning on taking a year or two off before I start up university because I had no idea what I wanted to yet. Being in a damn airplane for 5 hours was probably the most boring thing I have ever expirienced, no wifi, my phone was out of battery and I'm pretty sure my phone was also about to break because of the giant crack over its screen. Sitting next to a complete stranger was extremely awkward because he was always looking at me. Six hours have passed and I finally landed, as I assumed my father was waiting for me right out the door.

"Hello Lia long time no see huh?"

"Yeah it has been a long time dad"

We both walked in silence until we were at the front of the car. Figging trough his pockets my father pulled out two pieces of papers.

"We'll your mother told me about your band and I thought why not give you an early birthday present... as you probably know one direction will be having a concert here tomorrow so why not get you and a friend tickets. I don't know if you remember Jannet but she moved here a few months back an is also going so I got tickets and VIP passes to the concert"

Surprised was an absolute understatement. I was expecting to et home and unpack and just say at home doing nothing but my father had other plans, and I like the sound of them.

"Oh my god dad are you serious, VIP passes, Jannet I can't believe you are doing this for me. Thank you thank you thank you!!!"

I have never been the jumpy kind of girl but seriously I have a rights. I haven't seen Jannet in about a year. She was my childhood best friend and still is because wen though we haven't seen each other we still texted everyday.

"Wait dad do you think I can invite Jannet over right now so she can help me unpack and you know catch up a bit?"

"Yeah sure, get my phone and call her"

Since when was my father this chill? He was always so strict and boring. Then it hit me, he was bribing me into liking him again he probably thinks I hate him but I don't I understand why he left my mom, I mean I left her too.

"Dad you don't have to try to "win me back or whatever, I don't hate you at all so if that's the case then it can stop right here."

He took his eyes off the road for a bit and looks me in the eyes

"I know you don't hate me but I have missed about 4 of your birthdays and I have to make that up, I have to fix what I messed up Lia."

He had a point it did suck not having him at my birthdays parties.

"Fine but are their any more presents I should know about?"

"Well I got you a new phone and some cloths"


As happy as I am that I'm getting a these things I'm sort of wondering my dad's social statues at this point. He had to have a fair amount of money to have bought me all this. I didn't want to sound rude so I just waited until we got home to see where he lives at. On our way we had a few conversations about random stuff like my graduation and my interest you know topical catching up. after finally arriving at my fathers house I am in aw to notice thy he lives in a two story house, fairly large and has a front porch with amazing decorations.

"So do what exactly was your dream? And how is it going?"

"My dream was to become an inventor, and it's going amazing as you can see, you know those holographic TV your mum has, I invented that. also put it out in the market.

"Wow dad I'm so proud of you."

I didn't expect things to be going so well but it seems like he really is following he dream. I always just assumed that he was as cold hearted as I was. Seems like I'm wrong, while I was unpacking and waiting for Jannet we talked a bit about the things I missed out when I was away from him, he talked about his inventions, his current idea and his goal. Before we could go more I'm depth Into our conversation Jannet knocked on the front door and my father went to go open it.

"Hey best friend long time no see

"Oh my god Jannet it's really you!"

I ran to Jannet and embraced her in a hug. It felt like ages ago when we shared this but then again it had. She has changed so much since the last time I saw her; her hair was curled and she was dressing like well a girl. She would always dress with hoodies and basketball shorts and her mother hated it. But that's part of the reason why Jannet left in the first place; to be herself. She ended up sleeping over and when we woke we knew that we had to get ready. We were going to see One direction live for the very first So how exactly does it work out? Do you just sort of stand there, hug them and take a picture or something? I was on my way to my meet and great and I haven't the slightest idea of what I have to do honestly. It's not as simple as it seems honestly I mean when you meet someone you love more then you love yourself it isn't exactly like a hey what's up kind of situation. Well maybe it could be, I would be pleased as long as they didn't think I was clingy. Holding my bestfriend's arm while walking around backstage is a huge step honestly. I seem to be more nervous then her but what can I say.

"Hey there love what your names?"

His voice was as beautiful as the sun rising after a dark night. Harry's voice filled the room once e realized that Jannet wasen't moving.

"Um is she okay, she seems sort of um stopped in time."

Jannet is already stunned and probably fan girling in the inside so it was my move now, I had I keep y cool and act as if Harry was exactly what he is, human.

"Yeah she's fine, being honest here she was so calm on our way here I thought I would be the one making a fool out if myself."

A slight smirk was plastered on Niall's face once I answered.

"You never seemed to tell us your names."

"Oh yeah sorry I'm Lia and this is J-"

"And I'm Jannet"

A roar of laughers filled the room as Jannet's cheeks filled with a crimson color. To say the least I felt bad, she may be meeting one direction and all but she hasen't managed to keep her cool. After a few pictures and some laughs it was time for the lads to say good bye so as we made our way out the door Louis stopped me and grabbed my wrist.

"It was nice meeting you Lia"

I looked a Louis in the eyes and said the same as I continued walking out.

Over Again (wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now