Huaisang came back with three big jars of emperor's smile in hands not caring who sees him. Everyone looks at him with a look that said. 'Where da hell did you get that'. He sat down and said." Well we need to relax and have some fun before we take on the rest of the cultivation world so do not look at me like that. I bought these a long time ago and now we can enjoy it together. Just a shame A-Ying isn't here but that's his loss. So here is a cup for everyone". He gave everyone their cups and starts to pour a cup for all then he took out some nuts and place it down. They sat there drinking and eating just enjoying the wine. (Both Lans can hold their liquor in this story) . They were into the second jar when they all started to feel a little tipsy. Not seeing the butterfly message flapping all around them. They were just laughing and drinking enjoying themselves not feeling the pressure or thinking about what will happen in about two weeks.

The family of five has been running and yapping at each other. It's the first time they were in their wolf form just running wild and free in such a long the twins and fenhua are just loving this time spending with their parents. They chased butterflies. Jumping over puddles. Howling into nothingness. Upon reaching a open field they shifted back into their human forms eyes glistening in pure delight and joy. They sat down each twin sitting on their parents labs. Fenhua sat next to his mother. They just sat like that for awhile enjoying the peace and quiet and just being in each others presence and being a family. Fenhua looked at the two people he calls baba and a die in awe and wonder. He always knew that they were so much stronger and were born to achieve so much in this life. He is just glad that they finally had reached their full potential. They look so ethereal almost like gods he thought as the sun rays hits their faces. It's almost as if their is a glow around them. "Ah Lan Zhan this is the best day ever. I love everything about it. It was such fun running and feeling so light and free and these twos wolves are quite big for their age". A-Ying said as he looked down at the two sleeping toddlers.
"It is and I am so blessed to be spending it with you my family. I love you all so much". Lan Zhan said with so much love and tenderness in his voice. " We love you just as much Lan Zhan right Fenhua and I know these two sleepy heads also agrees". A-Ying said with a soft and loving smile. " Yes a die I agree with baba you are the best a die ever and I'm so blessed to have you both as my parents ". Fenhua said as he stood up and gave them each a warm and long hug before sitting down again next to his baba. "Fenhua we are the blessed ones to call you our son. We would not have it any other way". A-Ying said tears glistening in his eyes as he looks at his family and thinks just how lucky he is two have them in his life. They sat there for some time before they decided to head back. Lan and Fenhua shifted back into their wolf forms as A-Ying took of his outer robes and secure the twins against his chest before climbing on top of his mates back and they went back running at a steady pace back to the Cloud Recess. Wanji starts to slow down when they heard loud voices and laughter. A-Ying slides of wanji and wanji shifted into his human form the same with fenhua and starts to walk in the direction of the noise but what they saw made them stopped in their tracks because there before them were a bunch of drunk people they call their family. Their faces were red from all the wine they had drink. " Lan Zhan do you see what I see. I mean they are drunk right". A-Ying asked. "Mmmm. It seems that they are". Lan Zhan answered as he walked forward and A-Ying and Fenhua follows.

They stopped infront of them when Fenhua saw the butterfly message. He took it and handed it to his father. Lan Zhan opened it and read it a small frown form between his brow. A-Ying looked up at him and asked." What's wrong Lan Zhan". He looked at A-Ying and said. "There will be a trial held against you in two weeks in Nightless City. This message is from Wen shufu. His scent flares up and that made the others looked up. "Ah you are back and just in time to drink with us". A-Sang said but Lan Zhan eyes were burning and his scents flares more as he growls at them." You are here drinking and getting while my mates life are being threatened". He bares his teeth and A-Ying put a hand on his arm as the twins starts to squirm against his chest whimpering softly. Lan Zhan pulled his scent back and looked at fenhua and said." Grab them now". Confused at his father's words he did as he was told and he grab Wen Ning and A-Sang while Lan Zhan grabs Mingjue and Lan Xichen and started to walked towards the cold springs as fenhua followed. A-Ying took Wen Qing and Lan Qiren. When they arrived a still pissed of Lan Zhan dropped his brother and Mingjue unceremoniously into cold pond while fenhua and A-Ying cautiously lead the rest into the cold water which sober them up instantly. Confuse they looked at Lan Zhan and A-Ying before Xichen spoke.
"A-Zhan that was uncalled for". Lan Zhan glared at his brother and said.
"Uncalled for you all are having a good time. When were you going to inform us about this so called trial brother". He sneered. "Lan Zhan I don't think it is right to blame them. We did went off and we all have been under some severe stress lately maybe they just needed to release some of it". A-Ying said as he looked at his mate. Lan Qiren who also had sober up by now said." We were planning on telling you when you get back A-Zhan. I know you angry and so are all of us you are not the only one here who is worried all of us are". He said with anger in his voice before he grabs his head as a headache is starting to form. Mingjue wanted to punch Lan Zhan right now and Wen Qing wanted to stab him with her needles. A-Sang and Wen Ning kept quiet not want to anger the alpha any further. "Well I think it should be best to go and put on some dry robes and maybe getting something for our headaches then in half and hour we can meet at the hanshi". Xichen said as he grabs Mingjue hand and dragged him out of the water soon the others  follows making their way towards their rooms. Fenhua stood there for awhile before he also after them.

A-Ying turns on his heels leaving a very guilty and ashamed mate behind. He made his way towards their home luckily the twins were still sleeping. When he reached the jingshi he went inside and made his way towards the sleeping area where he laid the twins inside their crib and threw a baby quilt over them. He looked down at them and smile before he turns around and walked towards the bed. He sat down and that's when his eyes falls on the package on the low table. He stood up just as Lan Zhan enters. His face sad he walked and stopped in front of his mate before he could reached the table. A-Ying looked up at him and Lan Zhan said." I am sorry A-Ying it's just I got so angry. I know we all have been under some severe stress". His face looking sad and guilty and A-Ying said to him.
"I am not the one you should apologize to Lan Zhan. Our family and friends are the ones you should apologize too. I know we are all having a hard time now but it was wrong to go at them like that". "I know and I will apologize as soon as we see them". A-Ying nods his head and bring his mate into his arms and gave him a hug and said." Everything will work out in the end you'll see. By the way do you know who delivered that package on the table". He let go of his mate and they both looked at the package instinctively sniffing the air. See with what happened their senses became sharper in wolf and human form. Sensing nothing life threatening they walked over slowly and stopped infront of the low table.  They looked at each other than down seeing that their is a note attached Lan Zhan reached his hand out and picked the package up and removed the note. He unfolded it and read. "Dear Lan Zhan and A-Ying you do not know me but my name is Simms. I am a deity who a long time ago where responsible for turning Chenqing and Wanji into wolves after their untimely deaths. I am not supposed to interfere in human affairs but seeing as your enemy has been steps ahead of you and I could not sit by and watch you and your family die once again I took it upon myself to leave you a present. For your enemy knows about your weakness and how they can weaken and ultimately kill your kind. They had already took what they needed and destroyed the rest of the field. So inside you will find five red pills  and six blue pills. The red pills you and your sons must take and the rest is for your family and friends. This is all I can do but do not worry it will protect you against the wolfsbane. Take it five minutes before. I wish you all best of luck. Simms". When Lan Zhan was finished reading they looked at each other not believing their luck. Could it be that even after everything that there is still someone looking out for them. A-Ying picked up the package and opened it and there just like the note said are the pills. Five red ones and around eight blue pills. Twins smiles spread across their faces and they hugged each other as tears rolls down their faces. Tears of happiness of course because their family and friends would be safe now.

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