Chapter 6 ~ Her home gone forever ~

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Shaquille :/

I run as fast as I can, tears drip out of my eyes and blood drops unto the floor. I don't have time to register anything the walls filled to the brim with pictures of my family the dead guards on the once clear marble floor, or the crimson stains across my ripped shirt.

My family they're all...

"Here I found the boy!" A female voice yelled from behind me. I knew they were close I had no where to go.

I turn the corner and a man with a stone cold exterior and stone grey stood in front of me ready to grab me , I turn around and try to run back to where I came from but there was another man standing behind me

I lunge to the man in front and try to duck under his arm it works and I run even faster than before my lungs beat against my ribs I feel like my whole body is going to explode.

More tears try to escape but instead of letting them fall i brush hem back.

There is no time to cry.

I make it to the front gate of the castle so close to freedom but then I feel strong arms clasp under my shoulders.

"You thought you could run away." They snarled.
I tried to screamed but nothing came out.

Then everything around me dropped- no I dropped I fell through the floor into nothing but white, pictures wait memories started to play around me. My sister my mother.

Here there was nowhere to run nowhere to escape to.

Here tears were futile, nothing, even if I cried a river no one would bat an eyelash.

"Face reality my dear Calem, there's no escape."

"No!" I screamed I'll find a way out I will.

"Your all alone and you will stay here forever if you don't give me what I want Calem hunny."

They tried to skim their nails across my cheek but I jerked my face away.


"Calem where is the earth key."

"I, I don't know I promise!"

"Don't lie you know it will only hurt you more, now let me reiterate that statement you will tell me where the earth key is!" The person yelled, my eardrums thumped everything around me shook I felt so much pain.

Then the memories paused and a voice filled my head.

It was so calm like a soft breeze in a roaring storm.


"Shaquille Camllum Andrews wake up!"

Is that Amorette?

"Wake up!"

That's when everything went dark and my eyes opened.


Amorette <3


That's the first sound I hear as I jolt out of my

My mind isn't ready to deal with another rat in my kitchen.

I never want to think about that again.

I make my way down the stairs rubbing my eyes, Shaquille probably knocked something with his feet again I should probably find a mattress for him or something.

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