Chapter 4 ~Smoke & Cigars~

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Amorette <3

The memories come back to me like a lightning bolt piercing the earth the blood seeping out of the horse's limb the pleading look in its almost toffy brown doe eyes, please don't tell me that's the horse he's talking about.

The sight alone almost made me want to throw up then, but that couldn't be possible that was at least 5 days ago when I was on a prayer walk.

" How long has it been since you've seen her?" please don't say what I think you will.

" A week."

Dang it.

"How long was your trip Anyway?"

"About 2 And a half weeks."

" Where are you even from are you from Mirasia, Livoris or even Norwan?" I question him I don't want to pry but for the situation, I at least need to know where he is from. Such a long distance could only have been from such far cities. Even so, Norwans don't normally have brown horses.

" I rather not talk on that matter." That accent I've heard it from somewhere before. It's definitely not from around here or anywhere else in Saphira. I haven't been out the only place I go is the market and luckily for me gossipers go there too. I know, I know gossiping isn't good but they keep me updated with what is going on of late because I have no info on social life. I am the most introverted person I've ever met and he's the first person I've ever had in my house.

I rest my case.

Anyway moving back to the point I  haven't heard anything about having such an old fashioned way of speaking - strangely enough people do talk about people's accents - The only people that speak that way are from...


No that's not possible come on Angel don't say stuff like that People from Celest don't step in here and vice versa no one would do that unless they are part of the shipping crew that sends supplies to and fro.

Or unless you want to start a war.

Yeah, he can't be from Celest.

"Hello?" A confused Shaquille stares waving his hand in front of my face.

" Oh yeah, sorry I got distracted." I apologise I shouldn't get distracted not when it could be a literal life or death situation. I try to wrack my brain for anything I can remember from the horse any feature maybe a,

A face marking!

" Did your horse have a stripe-like face marking on her face, a white one perhaps ?"  I quickly enquire if it didn't then we'll be safe please, please.

" No she doesn't she's a fully brown horse"  Yes, I'm so happy thank you Jesus.

"Do you know anything?" His face turned inquisitive a questioning look taking over his normal stern exterior.

" I saw a dead horse around this area 5 days ago and thought maybe it was her they had all the same features as her except they had a white stripe on their face." I replied to him, a small frown taking over my features the dead horse pleading eyes popping in my head like the rain on my raincoat.

A small smile took over his features probably at the chance that his horse friend isn't dead. Still, I feel really bad that a horse died even if it wasn't his.

"Still if that wasn't your horse and your horse truly isn't dead where is she ?" I knew this might not have been the best time but there isn't any time like the present.

He thought for a second until his eyes turned into a lightbulb not really, more like a figure of speech but you get the point.

"Those vile rodents!" He snarled his hands clenching and unclenching.

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