Chapter 2 ~ ' I will guide you ' ~

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{ Before I start this chapter may I say that I have never cleaned/treated a knife wound before If I do anything wrong pls tell me so I can edit it. All the information I used was found on Google so blame Google. }

Enjoy 😘

Amorette <3

I slapped my hand on my mouth.

His eyes bore into mine.

and mine into his.


I am shocked, to say the least. He's so pretty, so handsome honestly you could call it anything if it was along the lines of.

The most beautiful man I've ever seen.

And I've seen a lot of men in my lifetime. Not really, but yeah that's life for you. In all honesty, tho let's be real this guy is pretty. Girl keep it spiritual

"wow anyhoo" I look away, what am I doing I'm so creepy honestly. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, Good thing I'm black or that would have been K.O. for me.

I brush the imaginary beads of sweat off my head before putting my flip knife back into my pocket. While I do that my bag falls unto the floor and I immediately drop to pick it up.

"Hold on why is there a guy randomly sitting on the floor Anyw-" Before I could say anything my eyes drop to his body and I stop moving.

Everything stops, my breathing stops, my heartbeat stops I'm just here staring and he is too.

That's when I notice the way his body is moving. The way his mouth is slightly ajar, the little whispers or should I say whimpers. Worst of all that's when I notice the blood. The flecks of it all over his body, on his hands. The way his right sleeve is ripped off, showing his even more ripped arm and the small cuts all over it and his clothing. The way he is drenched because of the rain. More importantly, there was the thing he was trying so hard to protect.

The gash in his lower abdomen, the one that caused most of the blood to scatter across the floor. He used the sleeve to try and stop the blood from coming out but a bit of it still trickled down and dropped to the ground.

I try and take a step back but the metallic smell finds a way to attack my nose again. That's when the beautiful fantasy stops and I'm yet again faced with the fear from before. I fall to the ground my but hitting it with a loud thud and the remaining birds in the area fly away from the noise.

Now it's just the two of us left, both panting but for very different reasons. I try to take in as many breaths as possible but it doesn't work, my brain starts to bang at my skull asking for a release but all I'm left with is a painful headache.

I close my eyes and try and do what I believe I know best. I pray I ask God for favor and the grace not to puke on this poor man's face, the grace to stay strong.

I feel a peaceful presence wash over me and I start to feel calm. I finish my prayer huffing out a breath I knew I was keeping in. I quickly move to my bag and bring out the medical kit I bought at the stand with that very nice old lady with mint-smelling hair.

I pick it up and I lift myself off the ground, I saunter over to him but he moves which causes him to wince. The pain is evident in his eyes and the scowl formed with his lips is more prominent. what is more evident tho is that he clearly doesn't like the situation right now he even looks angry. I mean why wouldn't he be I don't know how long he's been sitting down but it's probably hurting his bum, the ground looks hard.

" Hey, I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help." I tell him but it comes out as more of a whisper. He just stares calculating like he needs to know if he can trust me. If I was him I wouldn't trust me ,I can be a weirdo sometimes plus I held him at knifepoint If that's actually a thing.

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