Chapter 9

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"Of course... that explains a lot. But what does she want with you?"

You shrug at him, not understanding who she was or what she wanted with you either. He stares off out the window, looking deep in thought. You fall into your seat, sitting slouched now. You bring your arms to your chest, crossing them and you lean your head back and you stare up at the ceiling. You start to cry once again, crying silently this time and you quietly sigh to yourself. Although you cried a couple minutes earlier, the idea of everything just hit you at once. Your life has flipped upside down in the matter of weeks and you haven't really registered what is going on. It all gets to you and you just cry. The truth of what Jing told you just rings in your mind and you repeat it the events to yourself a couple times, but you can't help but cry a little more. You're quickly snapped out of your thoughts by a gentle hand to your shoulder. You look to the side of you to see Jing crouched beside you, looking at you with a soft expression, but also an expression of concern. He smiles gently at you and reminds you that everything is going to be okay.

"I'm sorry if I scared you just now with everything. I'm sorry to have been the one to have told you. If it makes you feel better, don't mention anything to Dan Heng, let him be the one to tell you if he ever so chooses. I'm surprised someone didn't even try and warn you that something was in the air between you two and should've given you a heads up."

You shake your head at him, wiping your tears and wiping your face and you sigh. Moving your hair out of your face, you look back at him, sniffling a couple times. You shrug at him and let out another sigh.

"No, I did try and bring it up though but, everyone just kept telling me to ignore it and not bother with him. More than once they told me that it's just who he is and to just ignore him. So I did....or at least I tried to. But.... every day he just kept giving me the cold shoulder or if he did speak to me, he would be rather cold and blunt with me and say no more than a sentence or two."

Jing listens to you as you explain what happened to him and he places a hand gently at your thigh and rubs gently as a sign of comfort. You can't help but smile at him and feel relaxed. It now makes sense why you felt so attracted and comforted with him. That flashback also makes sense... but why did it have to happen then? Of all places? You shake your head to shake the feeling and you look back at him.

"Is there anything else worth mentioning? That might help with this?"

You shake your head no. At least you don't think there's anything to tell him. You look away for a moment as you think, shaking your head once more as a double sure that there was nothing that you were missing.

"No I think I told you everything. How I got here, my flashbacks and dreams, my conversation with Himeko and my interaction on the train before getting here.... that's it I think. I can't think of anything, apart from the gold circle orb thing in my chest. It's making my chest feel a little funny and warm I won't lie. Every now and then, my head gets a sharp pain and that's when the flashback happens... like the one I had back there where it seemed like I wasn't paying attention. Or the one that happened back on Earth before Himeko arrived. It's like I get a warning before it happens. But it gives me a major headache right after, in fact I still have mine from earlier."

He nodded like he was taking notes and remembering what you were telling him, agreeing and giving you his full attention. He stood back up, making his way towards the window and he looked out, his back to you as he stares down at the city from the window.

"We'll have to keep an eye on you then. We'll see if we can get a medic to check you over. If Natasha is on the train with you, we'll have to ask if she'd be okay keeping an eye, if not, we'll have to look for one here. Will make sure to find the best healer/medic we can find for you okay?? You and the others on that train are guests here, so nothing but the best for you all. Just let someone know when it happens okay? We need to keep notes on what's happened and see if we can keep track of any patterns or updates. That may help us in finding out what's going on here and why these people are after you. I have some things here that I need to get to, feel free to stay with me. It's just boring paperwork but there's a lot of it. Could do with an extra pair of hands, don't worry I'll make sure to fill you in on how things are run here."

He turns to look at you, a look of determination and concern stares at you and you nod at him. You're thankful that you don't have to go out and do the fighting part with the others, boring paperwork definitely seems to be the better option. Especially since Jing Yuan seems to want to keep an eye on you and keep you close. He goes and grabs some paper, pens and some paperwork and he plants them in front of you. Sliding the paper and pens toward you first, looking up at him with a raised brow.

"Try your best to show where you were and how the orb looked for you. The more info the better, if you can."

You can't draw, so this was going to be tough. You nod, starting to draw while he grabbed some paperwork and sat beside you. Silence filled the room while you both worked on what you're doing, the only sound that was filling the air was the scribbling of pens and the flicking of paper. This went on for a little while before suddenly the door to the meeting room was swung open, slamming against the wall and the loud interruption made you jump. You look to the door to see the guys were back but they seem irritated, concerned and hurt. They ignored you, looking straight to Jing.

"General, something has happened, we need you with us."

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