Chapter 1

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You slowly wake up, your body aching like you've just done a marathon, except you didn't prepare for it. AT ALL. Making your way out of bed, you notice you're back home. But this isn't where you just were. You were in an empty field, nowhere near your home. How did you get here? You definitely don't remember making your way back to the city, let alone back into your apartment. Unless it was a dream? 

/But it can't be a dream.....can it?

Finally managing to get out of your bed, groaning as aches and pains filled your body. Looking around your room, having a sense of dread, but you ignore it. Noticing you left your mirror leaning against your wall, you make your way over to see if you look as different as you feel. You do look different, but you also look exactly the same. Something feels different but you can't put your finger on it. You just look different but it's not a drastic change so its hard to spot. Just something Something definitely feels off. You check over yourself and see a few bruises and some scratch marks but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 

"So if it wasn't a dream, how did I get back here?" You say out loud to yourself. Your voice is raspy and your throat feels strained, and it was painful to speak. Feels like you were at a concert the night before. Except, that's not where you were. You try and remember what you did the day before, you were starting to think of so many questions, but none of them having answers.

Before thinking of anymore questions, your hand is at your head as the pains of a migraine comes back, and comes back hard. This wasn't like any migraine you've had before though. Only this time, along with the pain, it's like a memory fills your head. An memory of a beautiful woman, but who was she? She was only there for a split second but you'll never forget her. Purple hair, white shirt, sunglasses on her head, gloves and a jacket. Now an image of another person fills your mind. Except, there's two of them. Standing side by side. Both of wearing some sort of clothes you've never seen before. Were they royals of some sort? The clothes they wore looked expensive. Both have long hair. One male had long night blue hair, grey blue trousers and a fancy blue and black blazer with a gold fabric down the middle. The other had silver white hair, some of tied up with a red bobble (hair tie). This male definitely wore more of a armour that seemed to be a part of royalty or maybe even an army. Red trousers, white shirt, gauntlets on his wrists and a large belt on his waist, a cape and some sort of crest on his shoulder. Just like the female, they only remained on your mind for a split second. Except this time, the males seem to be....familiar. Like you've definitely seen them before. But where? Is this another dream? Dreams are the only thing you can keep comparing it to because what else can explain it? You try and brush it off, but the thought of these two specific males are something you can't seem to shake. 

"Get it together, cmon." You quietly mutter to yourself, shaking your head. You head back to your bed, reaching into the bedside cabinet and grabbing yourself some headache tablets, chucking them down with the conveniently placed glass of water.  You get changed, looking around your room after with a sense of dread. You suddenly feel nervous. The people you saw are at the back of your mind. You can't stop thinking about them. The way they're dressed. The way they looked. The clothes they wore. But you don't know their names. A loud bang, followed by the gushing of rain snaps you out of your thoughts. You look out to see the rain and the grey skies. You sigh, walking to the window to close it. Pulling down the window, closing the clasp to lock it and lightning strikes. As the flash hits you, it triggers something. Like an out of body experience. You're stood in the middle of an empty field. Trees in the distance, mountains further back than you can see. Something bright catches your attention close to you, like it was calling to you. You didn't understand what it was, or how it even got there, but you stupidly decide to walk towards it. It was a small circle of bright light, but it wasn't a harsh light. It was a warm, calming light. Once you were closer, you reached out your hand, the warm light covering you. Before you could realise what was happening, a female appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the unknown glowing orb from in front of you before shoving it into your chest. The pain was something else, a curdling scream comes escaping your body before you fall crashing to the ground. 

Just as quick as it started, it was over. You were awake. Back in your room. You're still stood at the window, except this time when you look through the window, the street lights were on and the sky was filled with stars and the sky was dark. Did you disassociate? Was a memory? You were really stood at the window this whole time? So many questions fill your mind but one sticks out more than the others....Was that the woman from the flashback from before? What did she put in me?... 

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