A Bad Day? What Do You Think?

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Chapter 18:


That's all what Hiyori is feeling. Her head was pounding, her muscles feel like they have been stretched to the max, and her eyes stung really bad. Probably from all that crying she has been doing since she was put in this place.

She looked around and realized she was in a darknroom. The room had a couch with a mini fridge, and the door was all the way across the room.

These people are sick! I never knew Yukine was actually my enemy. He's my bestfriend. We do almost a lot together. I feel so stupid. But...

Hiyori noticed something about him. Yukine never acted up without a reason.

His eye color!


That's not his...

She slapped her forehead in realization, but winced. How can I be so stupid!


~With Yato~

Yato sighed as he shut the door.
Finally! Home at last.

He started to walk, but stepped on something hard. He looked down and saw broken glass and blood!

Oh no!

He ran upstairs as fast as he could.

"Hiyori?!" He shouted. Yato looked in their bedroom and saw nothing. He ran into other bathrooms, closets, then the backyard, and looked in every room that was left.

"Hiyori?!" He shouted again.

Yato ran downstairs and grabbed his phone.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Come on, Yukine. Pick up the damn phone!" Yato yelled.

*The person you called isn't here right now. Please -*

*Discountinue call*


"911, what's your emergency?"

"Help! My girlfriend is missing! I can't find her anywhere and there's blood on my carpet!"

"Sir, please take deep breaths and calm down," the operator said reassuring, Yato. "Police officers are on the way now."

"Thank you."

*Discountinue call*

Yato fell onto the floor.


4 minutes later

"I came home, stepped on broken glass, ran upstairs to see if my girlfriend was alright, and she wasn't here, so I started panacking called my friend then called 911," Yato said rambling so fast.

The police officer shook his head. "Uh huh. Well looks like she was kidnapped to me, son. We'll keep an eye on you and we'll figure this out, okay?"

Yato nooded. "Yes, sir."

He walked away and left Yato to his thoughts. He rubbed his face. I can't handle this. It's too much on a person.


~Back with Hiyori~

A man came into the room with a plate of food in his hands. Hiyori couldn't say anything. All she wanted to do was to get the hell out of here. She slid back up against the wall, looked straight at him, and breathed in and out slowly to calm her heartbeat down.

"Please eat this food and we did not poison it," he said.

He slid it over to her. A sandwich and chips. Hiyori just looked at it. It looks safe, but she still doesn't know...

"So, bad day, huh?" He asked.

She looked at him then rolled her eyes. "What do you think?" She whispered.

He looked at her with sympathy. "Sorry, princess, but you're going to be here for a while."

He walked out of the room.

He wants to help me, I just know it. But he's to big of a coward to do it.


Author's Note 2015: Guys and gals, please stay tuned for the next chapter. Even more surprises ;)

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