Chapter Six

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Jamie couldn't stop giggling

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Jamie couldn't stop giggling. Her plan had gone off better than she could've hoped for. Granted, she hadn't exactly intended to dive in headfirst without giving Landon a heads-up, but everything had fallen into place so perfectly that she couldn't help herself. Giggles slipped through the fingers she'd pressed to her mouth. The fake-dating situation was absolutely hilarious to her, and the fact that Landon's handsome face was all scrunched up in confusion only made her laughter bubble up even more.

She hadn't laughed this hard in ages.

"Would you stop laughing already?"

"No...I can't."

"Yes, you can,"

"Sorry." Jamie couldn't help but crack another wide grin, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes.

"I'm not sure what just went down." Landon scratched at the scruff forming on his chin, his brown eyes darting around their room.

Jamie shrugged nonchalantly and flopped onto her bed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I just saved you, big time."

Landon let out a disbelieving snort and joined her on the bed, perching at the edge. Jamie let the breach of their usual room rules slide for now; she understood he was still trying to wrap his head around the whole situation.

"So," she cleared her throat. "That was your ex."


"How long were the two of you-"

"A year," he mumbled, the crease between his brows growing deeper.

"Oh," she breathed softly, watching as his shoulders drooped. "Well, you're welcome."

"You saved me," he finally admitted, his eyebrows knit in confusion.

"Yeah, I did,"

A sudden smirk curved Landon's lips, his dimples forming and causing Jamie's heart to sink into her vagina, She squirmed, and his dimples deepened.

"Why, though? You're not exactly my biggest fan," he teased.

Jamie shrugged, keeping her tone casual. "I like you just fine." She shifted, sitting up and moving closer to Landon. His gaze seemed to intensify as she paused right in front of him, her fingers gently sweeping his dark hair off his forehead. It was an impulse, something she didn't fully understand, but she wanted to see his face, unobstructed and genuine. "Besides, you looked like you could use a hand. I mean, that 'deer in headlights' expression was pretty evident, even with the lipstick marks smudged across your face." She rolled her eyes playfully and waved her hand dismissively.

He didn't respond, only raised his eyebrows expectantly.

Jamie hesitated, biting her lip. "Well, I figured, maybe if you had a new girlfriend, she'd be forced to give you some space, you know, or until she figures out we're 'broken up' now."

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