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Normally I would be walking down the halls to the library, but considering my Coronation of becoming Queen is coming up, I can't. Ironic, I know. It will change however, only if my brother proposes to Mal.

I decided to go to the press conference with Mal. "Mal!" One photographer tries to get her attention, I glance over at her after answering a question relating to my future Queen ideas for the kingdom.

"Mal, please, over here!" I roll my eyes, and go over to her and her frame almost towers over my 4'10 body. I gently place a hand on her shoulder, it causes her gasp and snap back into reality. "Scarlett?" She asks then glances down, I give her a tiny smile. "I haven't left, Mal." I comfort gently, she smiles relieved, but the smile is short lived.

"Only three days to the Royal Cotillion and Scarlett's Coronation." A reporter starts, which is true. Three days until I will be crowned the new Queen of Auradon and inherit my mother's crown, unless my brother proposes to Mal.

I open my mouth to answer our opinions which we share in common, we are nervous and worried about it. But the same lady continues on, "Ever think a girl like you, would be Lady of the Court?" I slightly scowl at the woman. I thought we were over with her being a VK by now. Mal opens her mouth to answer but then a man asks a question.

"How does it feel to be the second most envied girl in Auradon?" I give him a warning stare as Mal opens her mouth, but another woman asks a question, "Do you like being blonde?" I maintain a growl as they start getting on my nerves.

But Mal reacts completely differently, she smiles a bit and before she can answer, someone else asks something.

"Is your Mother still a lizard?"
That makes me snap, unable to lash back my inner Beast. "QUIET! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, NOW!" I snap coldly and loudly, this roar makes them jump back, a few with fear in their eyes which makes me smirk at them with madness in my eyes, because others are shaking a bit out of fear because I tend to keep calm, cool, and collected.

"How would any of you like it if you were the newcomer, and new Lady of the Court to be asked these types of foolish questions? Like as if your own Mother was turned into a lizard and asked if she was still one? As a future Queen, I demand you to stop asking these questions, and another thing: I thought we were OVER with her being a VK, and accepted her for who she is. Stop using those terms of-" I speak up in a seethe as my eyes change from a peaceful gray to a darker gray, almost like a vibrant blue.

My idiotic twin comes over as I am going off, clearing his throat. "Okay, all right. Excuse me."

Mal puts a hand on my forearm to stop me from viciously attacking the reporters, and going off even more. She gives me a look of gratitude with a soft smile of thankfulness.

I feel my eyes relax slightly and listen carefully to my fraternal twin brother as Mal's other arm goes around his waist, thankful that he decided to come over here before I got violent.

"Uh, we will let you know if and when that particular situation changes." I give my twin a blank stare as Mal smiles for photos. I give Mal a weary eye, she goes from stressed out, to acting as calm as ever; like nothing ever happened. "Did you ever think that you'd be with a Villain Kid?" The first, now pressed towards my brother.

I give the woman a cold and harsh glare, making her slightly start shaking, instantly regretting her question.

What does my brother do, he just laughs. I start glaring at my brother and he licks his lips before leaning close to the microphone, "We're done here." He speaks bluntly, making me almost burst out into laughter at their faces.

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