
"There are a lot of old items here your parents left behind. It would be a shame for them to go to waste. Mind if I use them for an invention?" I inquired. I didn't want to be rude, but I had a project on my mind that I'd been planning.

"You're an inventor?" The dark-haired boy asked with wide eyes, I nodded.

"Something like that, I just tinker around with some things at times."

Thomas hesitated a bit before nodding, "Okay Tinker Bell." He smiled at the nickname he'd given me, "What are you going to make?"

"You'll see." I smirked.

I collected a few things while I talked with Thomas. Soon, it was six o' clock and I had to go home.


Simone was furious when I got home, she told me she was worried and that next time I should tell her about my whereabouts.

Yes, Simone not Aunt Cecilia.

Later, at about seven o' clock, I started working on my invention.

You must've assumed I was working on something concerning ghosts but actually you're wrong.

I was working on some Avien repellant.


I had had enough of the bullying and planned my revenge. My cousin, Simone watched curiously as I tightened some bolts.

"I didn't know you're an inventor!" She exclaimed and I smiled, "Why didn't you tell me?" Simone asked.

"I'm not an inventor." I said shrugging, Simone raised an eyebrow.

"Yes you are." She insisted, "Can't you see what you're doing? Wow! I never knew you were so smart."

I blushed a little at the complement. My brother, Davis and my parents were the only ones that supported my interest. Others just called me a nerd and made fun of me.

"I'm not smart." I said bashfully, "It's just physics and math. You're the one who's smart in everything."

"Shut up!" Simone said playfully while shoving me a little. "Don't be so modest. Just say it, you're smart."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, I'm smart."

At twelve. Simone was already asleep while I was still working. I eventually decided to hit the hay and finish up later since there was no school.

Monday arrived and I was feeling lucky. I safely tucked my invention away in my bag and rode to school. Soon, after I arrived, Avien decided to show up.

He grabbed my hair, making me scream and pulled me back. "Look what we have here." Avien smirked and I sighed. "What do you want?"

"You know what I want." He said pushing me against the wall hard. I fell on the ground and groaned at the pain in my back.

It was time.

I quickly pulled out my invention and threw it at Avien. He stumbled backward and picked it up, smirking.

"What's this?" He asked, an obnoxious smirk plastered on his face. "A toy? You're bringing toys to school now?" He laughed.

Why wasn't it working?

Avien fumbled with my invention a little more before turning his attention back to me. I tried to make a run for it but was grabbed by my hood. I struggled, trying to get loose.

Why was he so strong?

Since my invention wasn't working, I decided to do things the old-fashioned way.

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