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You were sick, I know what you're thinking 'A/N Tf are you talking about' anyway I'll stop with the 4th wall breaks I already have a stash of glitter glue and flex tape haha jokes- I'm going off track so back to the story

Like I said you were sick, not the 2 coughs and runny nose, nononono I mean the sick where you can go into a coughing fit in a matter of seconds, that sick but as the workaholic you are you're still in work right now. And you were in a meeting with Mr Darling and a couple other workers about the new experiments 

"(Y/N)?" Wally's deep voice boomed (I mean have you heard it's justjgkkgjhjh- x////x anyway-)

"Y-Yes Mr. Darling?" you ask with the healthiest voice you could muster up   

"I was asking if you could come with us for the experiment" replied Wally with a tone of annoyance, you nod and Wally concludes the meeting 

"I'll meet you there in a bit...!" 

"(Y/N) wai-" Wally tries to talk to you more but you're already gone... you slip into one of the factory's bathrooms just in time as you start having a coughing fit, each cough seems like a razor blade in your lungs...maybe you should see Poppy... eh its going to be fine you say to yourself as you walk out of the bathroom and start heading to the experiment room hoping that Mr. Darling wasn't...too mad at you sprinting off...

Wally's POV: 

I watch as they come running...well trying to anyway..something about them seemed off today...their usually bright (E/C) eyes were now a dull shade of (E/C) and they were looked visibly exhausted...I couldn't quiet place what was wrong....meh its not my problem anyway if they hurt themselves due to their workaholic ass then so be it..but then why do I feel something...? 

Dammit Wallden stay focused...I walk closer to them keeping my cold expresion 

"and where the fuck were you?" I ask them in a tone mixed with annoyance, boredom, strictness....but a tinge of concern...

"...Just the bathroom...sorry.." They say with their head down I sigh and put my hand on my forehead in annoyance (I couldn't do I pinched my nose in annoyance since y'know he has no nose lol-)

"Its fine, just next time don't run off when I'm trying to talk to you, let's just get done with this gosh damn experiment" They nod and grab their clipboard, the other workers grab their tools and I grab my syringe

"(Y/N) I need you to time how long it lasts" my tone switching to just stern again they nod and grip their clipboard as I walk to the experiment

the experiment seems to be panicking...well who wouldn't? they're literally going to be fucking tested on 




I jab the needle in the subject arms and the drug starts doing its thing the subject lets out loud yells sometimes there's stuff like 'PLEASE SPARE ME' or 'I DIDN'T DESERVE THIS' or its just pure gibberish, as I wait for the effects to start and I hear something dropping so I look over to the source of the sound and my frown deepens  

Normal POV: 

you grip your clipboard as Mr. Darling is about to insert the needling into the subject and Mr Darling starts counting down




as he gets to 1 he jabs the needle into the subjects arm and the subject lets out a loud yell and you have to use every muscle in your body not to cover your ears...your sick body is taking a toll on you as you just want the screaming to stop..everything to stop...make it stop..make it stop...make it stop...MAKE. IT. STOP

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