Ch. 3

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Finneas could always read his sister like an open book and it wasn't because she wore her emotions for everyone to see. Billie was actually opposite, always closed off and determined to handle her shit without burdening the people around her.

Over the years her mental health had been very up and down so being the older brother, Finneas promised to pay attention to the little things even when no one else was.

So when Billie and the others walked down to the lobby to greet him and Claudia he knew something was off. She was there physically but her mind was elsewhere. She gave him a smile that seemed strained and hugged him like she had been needing it all day.

Finneas rubbed her back soothingly before pulling away to look her in the eyes. "Having fun so far?" He asked.

She looked like she wanted to say no, but shook it off. "Oh yeah. It's been great. I'm glad you finally made though."

Billie left it at that as she moved on to say hi to Claudia too. It had been months since the siblings had seen each other due to their crazy schedules, and Finneas hated feeling like there was something going on that he didn't know about.

Billie and Jackie's marital issues were no secret since his sister would call him sometimes for advice. She would complain about feeling like the man in their relationship and how she didn't think she understood Jackie.

But Billie was a giver and Finneas knew she would do anything to see her wife happy, so it was obvious their problems could be fixed. And he thought they had, but seeing the look on his sister's face was telling a different story.

While Claudia and Finneas went up to their room to settle in everyone else went out back for some wine tasting and pizza making. Billie loved to mess around in the kitchen when she had time, so Jackie thought it would be a fun activity for everyone to do together.

The last two finally rejoined them around the fourth glass of wine and it seemed as if Billie was finally at ease. That was until a caramel skinned young woman stepped outside with more ingredients for the chef.

Finneas watched his sister tense as she and the girl glanced at each other. They both had matching sour looks on their faces and broke the brief eye contact quickly.

He made a mental note to question Billie about it later when they could slip away.

When Cinnamon went back inside Billie released the breath she had been holding. She didn't know why, but having the young girl and her wife in the same area made her nervous. It wasn't like she did anything wrong, she hadn't touched Cinnamon so it wasn't like she could tell Jackie anything. At least she hoped that was the case. People lied everyday and with them recently being at odds what would stop Jackie from believing Cinnamon if she chose to say something happened?

Billie looked over at her wife who was standing next to her rolling out her pizza dough. She looked beautiful in her long sundress and messy updo. Jacqueline had this classy sophistication about her that drove Billie crazy. She never had to do much to get attention from everyone in the room, her presence just commanded it.

So why was Billie so enticed by Cinnamon? That's what she couldn't seem to wrap her head around. It's not like she knew much about the girl other than surface level information and she wasn't the first pretty woman Billie had ever been around. In fact, she wasn't a woman at all. The way she acted on the trail was childish and ridiculous. Cinnamon knew that Billie was married and still threw a tantrum over not being able to kiss her.

Is that why Diane viewed her the way she did? Did her daughter have a habit of going after married people? Cinnamon claimed to not know much about Billie because of her age, but maybe that was a front. Maybe she was only interested for the same reason most people were interested in celebrities.

A Dash of Cinnamon // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now