The doe eyed girl nodded. No matter how much she wanted to miss class, she knew she needed some sort of distraction. Sitting around and allowing her thoughts to run freely was only making her feel worse.

"What do you think she's doing right now?" Lisa asked quietly after a few moments of silence. She saw Somi's face fall slightly and sighed. Neither of them liked the thought of Jennie in jail.

"From what I know, they're holding her in a cell until the trial," Somi ran a hand through her hair and glanced out the window. "And then.... depending on what happens in trial, y'know..

Lisa clenched her jaw and nodded. She knew. She'd thought about it for hours. "I better get some sleep," she said finally. deciding to not continue the conversation and work herself up even more. Somi nodded in understanding.

"We meet with the lawyer tomorrow," Somi reminded her, standing up from the bed. "We'll pick you up from class and we can drive there together?"

"Sure," Lisa sighed. "Night."

"It'll all work out somehow," Somi said quietly, giving Lisa a sad smile. The doe eyed girl just sighed and pulled the covers over herself. Somi slipped quietly out of the room.

Lisa tossed and turned, but finally ended up falling asleep, only to be woken up by the blaring noise of her alarm. Groaning, she sat up and stared at the wall, working up the willpower to get out of bed.

As she was washing her face, Rose appeared behind her in the mirror. She looked up, tilting her head to the side.

"Are you okay?" her roommate asked softly. Lisa splashed cold water on her face and nodded.

"Tired," she shrugged, drying off her face and dotting concealer under her eyes. "Thank god for makeup, right?"

Rose laughed softly. "Yeah, really." she bit her lip. "You sure you're alright? We meet with the lawyer today and I figured it might be hard for you.

"I'm fine, Rose" Lisa said firmly, not wanting her roommate to push the subject any further. She was trying her best to push any emotions out of her head. Luckily, Rose took the hint, giving her a sad smile before leaving her alone.

Once Lisa was dressed, she scanned her bedroom one last time. When she saw the painting she cringed. It would have to do, though. She had no time to throw together something else. Tucking it under her arm, she jogged out to her car, tossing it into the backseat carelessly.

She drove slowly to class, wanting to put it off for as long as possible. Lisa hadn't realized how much she needed Jennie in her life until she was gone. Jennie had brought color to her once dull skies. And now, the blue of the sky was slowly fading with each day of Jennie's absence.

Eventually, she ended up in the parking lot of her school. She parked, circling her car so she could grab her painting.

"Shit," she mumbled, noticing the chips of paint that had rubbed against the back of her seat. She picked up the canvas, turning it over and groaning when she saw the Small white spaces where the thick sections of dried paint had chipped off. Now, some of Jennie's childish scribbles were peeking through the black and gray coating.

She was too tired to try and think of a solution, so instead she tucked the painting under her arm and jogged inside to her classroom. Of course, she was late once again, and after apologizing a million times, she set her canvas in the back of the classroom and quietly took her seat.

Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Somi and Rose were cooped up in Somi's bedroom, hovering over her laptop.

"How can she not have any family?" Rose furrowed her eyebrows. They'd been trying to find someone who had connections to Jennie for the past hour, but they'd come up empty handed each time.

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