As their lips parted, Akito looked up at Toya's eyes, his own green ones widened and glistening. Toya looked surprised himself, a slight pink could be distinguished on his pale cheeks. Akito noticed tears in Toya's eyes. "I'm sorry I'm just..." Toya sniffled, Akito cut him off by throwing his arms around him in a loving hug. "Shhh... It's okay, I'm here now." Akito said softly. Akito wasn't very good at this, but he hoped he was doing it right, for he really cared for Toya it seemed.

Toya cried in Akito's shoulder, Akito thought that must've been uncomfortable. Toya was taller than him do he had to lean over slightly, though the fact that they were sitting, no, laid back would be a better terminology, helped it a bit. Not only that, but it must've been so hard. Toya had held these tears in for so long. Akito almost couldn't stand it and cried himself, though he held it in for Toya's sake. Toya needed him right now, and he wanted to be there for him in any way possible. Akito planted kisses on Toya's head.

As well whispered things like "You're not alone," "No one can hurt you now," and finally, possibly regrettably, "I love you." Shit. Why did he say that? Is that what he's been trying to say... Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Akito was freaking out internally, feeling a mix of confusion, sympathy, frustration, anxiety, just all of it. He knew that wasn't technically true, but whatever, this wasn't about him. Why did he have to say that..? Toya sniffled, holding Akito tighter to his surprise.

Toya appeared to be too emotional to respond to something like that, his tears intensified at the comment. If Akito were honest, he were relieved. Neither of them had to think about that right now. Akito's relief quickly began to fade away into concern as Toya began to cry his heart out. "Shhh... Shhh... I'm here... Toya..." Akito uttered out, feeling horrible. Toya seemed to spill out, Akito wondered if his internal container was big enough. Akito wondered if he were good enough.

Akito would've smacked himself if he could, why was his brain making this about him? How was Toya feeling? To open up about something like that... Akito envied it. However, he did not envy Toya's situation, he wished it on no one. He was awestruck at just how strong Toya really was. "You've been so persistent... You have come such a long way..." Akito whispered softly. Eventually, through Akito's sweet nothings and his soothing gestures, Toya was able to calm down.

Toya pulled out of the hug and wiped his tears, taking a second to breathe, and to, presumably, get his head straight. Once he had his thoughts aligned, he looked at Akito. His face all too strained, Akito wished he could do more. "Thank you... I really... I really needed that." Toya spoke, eyes looking at Akito's, almost as if he could see right through him. Akito only nodded, he wished he could do more, but he was afraid he might cry himself. Toya put a hand on Akito's shoulder.

"As for what you said..." Toya began. Huh? What Akito said? What was he talking about? Oh. ... Shit. 'I'm fucked' Akito thought to himself as he faced Toya. "Listen... You don't have to worry about that it was just an accident, an impulsive decision that I shouldn't-" Akito was cut off my a gentle finger against his lips. "Akito, while I may not be completely sure how I feel... I know you're important to me. More than any friend or even family member would be... I suppose, that would mean that I-" It was Toya's turn to be cut off.

Akito waved his hands around frantically, a deep crimson filling his face. "H-Hahaha, that's enough..!" Akito said wearily, afraid of what Toya's possible words might mean for their relationship. Toya wasn't having it. He took Akito's wrist and pinned him against the ground, his eyes full of determination. "So you get to tell me how you feel but I can't? What, did you lie when you said you loved me? Was that just to comfort me?" Toya inquired intensely. Akito was an anxious mess at this point. "It's not that!" Akito blurted out.

Well, there goes his chance to save himself. He turned his head and shut his eyes tight. "I'm just scared! I... Don't know what'll happen if you... If we..." Akito stammered, unable to fully explain himself. Toya's previous intensity melted down into a more tame, gentle tone. "Hey, look at me... Please, Akito." Toya said softly. Akito slowly opened his eyes and turned his head, meeting face to face with Toya. "Do you trust me?" Toya asked, easing off Akito's wrist.

Akito inhaled, before nodding, feeling defeated. "Then please, believe me when I say that I love you too." Toya smiled warmly. He finally said it. Akito felt as if he were floating, despite being pinned to the ground. Though at this point, he could probably get up if he really wanted to, Toya's grip was soft and gentle. Akito frowned. Did he... Really deserve this? He held back tears as he looked to the side again. "We're idiots..." Akito chuckled.

"No, you're an idiot." Toya smirked, mocking their previous banter. "Nuh uh, you're the one who's stupid!" Akito playfully retorted, rolling his eyes. This time, it was different. Their banter used to be filled with misplaced hatred and negativity. Now it was just fun. Fun to make fun of themselves for being so ridiculous. "Says you!" Toya chuckled, planting a kiss on akito's forehead. Akito took this as an opportunity to roll over, forgetting they were on a stair... The two rolled down a couple of stairs, there weren't many.

As the two hit the bottom, Akito was on top, he sat up on Toya's lap who was still laying down. "Are you okay?" Akito was genuinely concerned. Toya laughed. "I'm absolutely perfect." Toya smiled wrapped his arms around Akito as he sat up himself. Akito pushed him away, standing up. "You idiot! I was worried!" Akito huffed. "I'm sorry... Wait wasn't it your fault we rolled over in the first place?" Toya pointed out logically. "Hey- I guess you're right..." Akito sighed in defeat.

Toya walked over to Akito. "It's okay, I forgive you." He teased innocently. Akito playfully smiled as he furrowed his brow. The two closed the distance between each other. "Why don't we check in on our session? We have spent way too much time beating around the bush." Akito chuckled, his voice was laced with desire. Toya smirked as he leaned in. Their lips got ever so close. Inch by inch, they felt everything else melt away. Much like the snow when the summer sun rises.

Their almost-kiss was interrupted by knocking. The two pulled away immediately looking at the door. Akito internally cursed. "This is our cue to split." Akito whispered nervously as he climbed out of a window, extending his hand to help Toya out as well. "There's police..!?" Toya whispered nervously. "I mean, we are trespassin' what you'd think would happen?" Akito whispered back. The two ran away, avoiding detection. It seemed like the two would have to continue where they left off another time, their plans to kiss had been foiled, leaving both of them with a feeling of disappointment. However, there's always a next time, especially now that they were closer than ever!

My Newest Addiction //Akitoya FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora