Bölüm Altı

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It's been two week since Greece and I admitted that we loved each other, and it's been two weeks since we started dating.

Greece sat on the floor, organizing some stuff for god knows what, but he seemed very concentrated on it.

I was laying on the couch, watching Greece. Every once in a while he would stop and look at back at me, but not very often.

"Τουρκία;" Greece said, not looking away from what he was doing

"Yes?" I responded

"Γιατί κρατάτε με παρακολουθούν;" he asked

"Yapacak başka bir şey var ve yok çünkü seni izlemekten zevk." I said

He rolled his eyes and finished organizing, putting all the things away. I sat up and looked at him, giving him a smile, which he returned faintly.

He sat down next to me, and leaned against me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, Greece?" I asked

He nodded and closed his eyes, leaning against my side fully. I leaned back and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him onto my lap.

His eyes flew open and he looked at me.

"Just sleep Greece. I know you're tired." I said

"Alright.." He mumbled, closing his eyes again

I chuckled softly and kissed his temple. He shifted and laid his head on my shoulder, nuzzling his face against my neck.

His breathing evened out and his body relaxed as he fell asleep. His brown hair framed his face, and fell over his eyes slightly.

I kissed his forehead and held him protectively. He made a soft noise and moved his hand, laying it on my chest.

I sat there holding him for two hours, letting him sleep. I checked the time and it was 2:13 p.m. so I let him keep sleeping.

When he woke up it was 2:38 p.m. so I wasn't really worried about him not sleeping tonight.

He opened his eyes, but didn't change his position.

"Turkey," he mumbled

"Yes?" I responded

"I don't feel well.." he answered

I frowned slightly and kissed his temple, slipping him off of my lap gently.

I stood up and he looked up at me, confused.

I pushed him to where he was laying down and walked to the bathroom, getting the thermometer.

When I walked back to the living room, he was sitting back up.

"Greece if you don't feel well you need to rest." I said sitting next to him

"Δεν θέλω να ξεκουραστούν.." He responded

"You need to.." I sighed

I handed him the thermometer and watched him as he put it in his mouth, turning it on.

He leaned against me and took out the thermometer when it started beeping.

"Let me see it." I said softly

I looked at it and sighed. He had a small fever but nothing that couldn't be handled quickly.

"Just lay down Greece."

He sighed and laid down, putting his head in my lap. Looking up at me.

I looked back down at him, and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

There were no words to explain how much he meant to me.

Translations added by LiveLikeMyself because Irina is to lazy to put them herself.

Τουρκία; - Turkey? ~ Greek

Γιατί κρατάτε με παρακολουθούν; - Why do you keep watching me? ~ Greek

Yapacak başka bir şey var ve yok çünkü seni izlemekten zevk. - I do not have anything else to do and because I enjoy watching you. ~ Turkish

Δεν θέλω να ξεκουραστούν.. - I do not want to rest ~ Greek

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