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I hate him, don't I? He's ignorant, loud, spiteful, selfish. Therefor I hate him.

At the same time I don't hate him. I like him to a point, but it's not far above hate. Not far at all.

When I was small he took care of me. I didn't know why anybody hated him back then. I thought he was the most amazing person on the world!

Now I understand. Now I know. He's cruel, and only cares about power and money. Only cares for himself.

I broke away from him because I was done with his shit. He needed to get his mind back on track. I doubt he will though.

My thoughts were pulled away from me when I heard a knock at the door. With a lazy groan I stood up and trudged over to the door.

When I opened it my eyes narrowed.

"Τι θέλεις, Τουρκία;" I growled

"Don't use that tone with me, Greece." He retorted

"I'm not a child." I hissed through clenched teeth "What do you want?"

He looked like he didn't want to tell me. Like he wanted to turn around and go home.

"I... I need your help." He admitted

"Well look at this." I sneered "The all mighty Turkey needs help."

He glared at me, his eyes cold.

"Shut up!" he snapped


I could see the trouble in his eyes. He did need help, but why did he come to me? Why didn't he go to Egypt?

"What do you need?" I asked again

"I need to stay here for a little while..."

I gave him a skeptical look, and stepped aside. He walked into my house and I shut the door.

"If you're staying here, then you'll have to do things." I said "No just sitting on your ass."

"Look who's talking!" he retorted "You sleep all day!"

I rolled my eyes and sat down on my couch. He sat next to me, but not close enough to touch me.

"You know where the guest room is." I muttered

"Your point is?"

"You're staying in there."

I stood up and walked quickly to my room. Not saying another word.

I hated him. And yet, I'm letting him stay.

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