14. The fourteenth time being pursued

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In the end, what the Yao family plans to do with this matter is not something that kids like Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuhuan can know.

Two little boys and a baby who knows nothing but can laugh foolishly were taken away by Sister Lu, who had just returned home from school. It wasn't far, just in the toy room behind the hall. It was specially prepared for the three siblings of the Lu family. There was a pink princess set that Sister Lu used for afternoon tea parties when she was a child, various superhero toys that Lu Jianyan of this age was playing with, and various colorful and noisy baby toys of Lu Jianjian.

After being placed on a simple baby rocking chair with a crawl-proof and fall-proof mat only a few centimeters high, Lu Jianjian skillfully grabbed a red and yellow rattle drum and started making noise. Occasionally, there would be a few sharp laughs.

Lu Jianyan glanced at his sister in her elementary school uniform and asked, "Can I take away his rattle drum?"

Sister Lu hesitated a bit. On one hand, she also felt that Lu Jianjian, the noise maker, was indeed annoying. On the other hand, she was afraid that if she took away the rattle drum, Lu Jianjian would make an even more terrible crying sound.

The nanny who was accompanying and primarily taking care of Lu Jianjian did not express an opinion, but it was quite clear that she also didn't think taking away Lu Jianjian's rattle drum was a good idea.

And then...

I don't know when Yao Wuhuan had already appeared in front of Lu Jianjian. He took the rattle unexpectedly and said, "You're noisy."

He didn't feel that what he did was wrong at all. As long as Yan Yan wanted something, he would help Yan Yan get it!

Things developed too quickly, like a tornado. No one had time to stop it. Little Brother Lu blinked his big, dark eyes and didn't even react to what had happened. He vigorously grabbed at the air, feeling that something was off about the sensation.

Before Little Brother Lu could start crying, Yao Wuhuan, who was well-prepared, accurately inserted a supplementary food pacifier into his mouth. Little Brother Lu was swayed by the sweet taste of milk and fruit, and he happily started sucking on it, putting an end to his ear-piercing wails. It was a false alarm, but a pleasant one.

Lu Jianyan could only sigh that he shouldn't underestimate kids after all.

After playing for a while, Sister Lu remembered to ask Yao Wuhuan how he was so skilled at this.

Yao Wuhuan explained that they had raised a gentle large companion dog for him back home and overseas. He had gained experience in taking care of it. Whenever the dog wanted to bark when it was still young, he would give it a chew toy or a teething stick to chew on.

Lu Jianyan: "..."

Sister Lu: "..."

I didn't notice it before, but now I realize that many baby supplies are quite similar to pet items, like teething toys, chew toys, and stuffed animals.

It's almost impossible to look at my little brother in the same way anymore!

When Mom Lu came in after finishing her conversation, what she saw was her eldest daughter and eldest son, along with the little white fur from next door. They were all looking at Lu Jianjian gnawing on the supplementary food pacifier with expressions that couldn't quite be put into words.


The night hadn't fallen yet, but Yao Wuhuan had to go home with his parents. Even though he was very reluctant, when Lu Jianyan said they should each go home, he obediently held Yao Mom's hand and left.

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